Nick Johnson

Paragraph 1: Yes, more difficult, but certainly more rational (in every sense) and more logical (not everything is easy, nor should we expect it to be). The limits are inadequate. We have the brainpower in the country to overcome the replication of infrastructure issue. Ask any store manager... they'll offer numerous

Therein lies the problem... if it were their money it wouldn't be an issue. It's your (and my) money, and they're spending it. If you don't care how it's spent, they won't care how it's spent. People don't "deserve to live like a normal person." They deserve to live, yes (and I'm all for helping folks who need it),

I have, but the vast majority have at least a few items that would not qualify as "responsible" (nutritionally and/or financially).

Wouldn't it make more sense, rather than giving folks money to spend on food, so just give people food? Given the enormous buying power the government has (didn't this happen with cheese?), you'd think those who were truly needy could actually be adequately fed. Of course, it might limit the options the needy have

Better question would be "do you believe that people are inherently good, inherently evil, or neither?" I DO know that I don't have to teach my children how to be evil, but it sure takes work to get them to understand how to be "good"!

Well this user doesn't like Drobo. You don't have to do much Googling to find out why. Yeah, I had pretty much every problem documented. Never again.

Yeah, that was meant to be bizarre. Glad someone caught it.

I figured this post would be good for some funny tongue-in-cheek (or -anus) comments. I've not been disappointed.

If readers deem that quote invalid because she died from an overdose, or pick it apart because they're prone to over-analysis, they're missing the point completely.

Calling it "cheat day" suggests it's wrong. I refer to it as "binge day," which, perhaps, still has a negative connotation, but at least I don't have to report it in confessional.

As a gamer, I use a PC. When I need to get work done (or anything else for that matter), I use my Mac.

*standing ovation*

Lamest. Commercial. Ever.

Hundreds of golf courses use "repurposed" water for irrigation every day. Why not ski resorts?

LOL. This thing will actually generate power when the sun isn't shining!

More dough for California to waste.

Worst. Battlemodo. Ever.

Yep, you nailed it PHX... 'specially that first paragraph.

Wait, so you're saying Canada isn't really just the northern United States of America?

Really these athletes should take a look at where the money comes from: sponsors, TV (or advertising, which is also sponsors) and ticket sales. And what matters to sponsors? Tickets and and television (how many people are they getting to view their brand/ad/message). What do the attendees and viewers pay to see? Stats