Nick Foote

Dumping of two of its heroes’ major love interests in this way indicates that Marvel considers many of its female leads rather disposable, which isn’t great.


I prefer Person of Interest as a Batman-esque show.

Ali Adler, not Larter.

Well, don’t get too upset, they were going to kill Poe not Oscar

My last one. Until I get sick of my current one that is, then it’s this one. Ad infinitum.

I worked for an ISP with a 7 person Networking team. We had three areas we focused on including WAN, Colo, and Servers with two guys focusing on each as their primary, but everyone able to work on the others as well. Our on call rotation was once every 6 weeks with the bulk of the calls (I’d say at least %90) being

This may be long forgotten on the Gizmodo page but I went ahead and bought one awhile back and it’s still the fastest USB drive I’ve ever used: 120GB or 240GB VisionTek with write speeds of up to 440 MB/second, and read speeds up to 455 MB/s

Protection from what? “Zee Germans”?

That’s what I am thinking. However, I have been on the receiving end at work for a company that had our software get a false positive from McAfee for a trojan. Outside of the general freak out, it was still a pain to get them to even consider the antivirus was at fault - and then correct it. Which they in turn

This was the best Star Trek movie they ever made.

I like to think it went on to be a critically-acclaimed hit.

I guess they want to complete against Snyder-verse’s Diana Lane as sweet old Ma Kent, for most confusingly sexy superhero grandmother figure?

Literally no one agrees with you.

So that's why I can't activate my gay magic powers.

I don’t imagine this was too hard for Masi Oka to fit into his demanding Hawaii Five-0 schedule.

So, not the actual Flash.

Seriously, Tobey Maguire. He’ll be older, married, and established. Who cares about unmasking a Spider-Man that we’ve never seen do anything? Then the next solo film has Tobey hand off the mask to Miles Morales. Makes the most sense for the audience. It’s also closest to where the character was when Civil War

Only if Vic starts telling 900% more “I DIDN’T ASK FOR THIS” jokes.

I think Jared is my favorite character on the show, next to Gilfoyle. Jared is really sincere about everything and makes it all the funnier.

“Now I’m going to find some girls whom I can prioritize behind you guys.”

“Did you just say ‘bros before hoes?’”

“It’s sexist, but it’s about friendship.”

Still cracks me the fuck up.