Literally no one agrees with you.
“Have you ever been convicted of a crime?”
Now I’m tempted to set up an interivew for a job I don’t want just so I can answer that question with “no, I’ve never once been convicted, they’ve never been able to make a good case against me.”
I pulled an amazingly cringeworthy move in one of my first interviews. I can’t believe how stupid I was.
I thought it was because Microsoft’s browser team felt like they were up against hopeless odds but were gonna go down swinging anyway.
I want Steam to detect other installs on Steam clients on my LAN, checksum them, then transfer any games it can from other clients over LAN rather than the much slower internet.
Please post a video of you performing this so we can see how easy it is. Thank you.
What is amazing is that these people were intelligent enough to realize that the problem wasn't on their end. Most idiots would start frantically clicking or punching their modem or something.
I think FOV is only relevant if you're playing a game where you're primarily only looking straight ahead, dead-center almost all the time. If you're playing something like a flight sim, so you can look out the side windows, you don't really want any FOV distortion.
Agreed - it's kind of hard to understate. Just firing things up with default settings makes everything look pretty....fat, as it were. Tweaking the FOV so your games look good is really important.
they actually do a good job at acting without making it seem cheesy. a quality missing in alot of fan made videos nowadays.
So they're making a movie based on a Futurama short story, huh?
How I addressed that same disparity in my own mind (besides just dismissing the prequels as garbage) was that the prequels were set mainly in the "downtown" part of the galaxy and in peacetime, while the real movies were in the outskirts and front lines during wartime. In the heart of a vast galactic empire/republic…
This was something that bothered me slightly about the prequels. Vehicular design in the original trilogy was very closely tied to design ideals in the 1970's-80's. In the new movies, even though they were supposed to take place decades before the original trilogy, everything was sleek, clean and modern-looking. Not…
Is one of the improvements a lot more pedestrians? It seems like all the shots have greatly increased numbers of pedestrians. I can definitely get behind that... I can't wait to run them all down with an ambulance.
More like you need good publicity to get up-vote, something that is increasingly hard to come by since so many people have been burnt out on Greenlight games.