Nick Foote

Apple’s going to be fine. They have so much money saved up, they could operate at 100% loss for a year and still be better off than most countries.

Until we make a significant jump in technology, the trade off for wireless is always going to be Speed vs Range/Reception. AM Radio has a huge range (like, multiple midwestern states), but poor quality. FM Radio is high quality (why it’s used for music) and can cover a large city. 2G range is still quite large, and

You know Brolin played young Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones), right? He’s not going to be hanging out in 2019, that’s not how time works.

I know right? Why do they need to slow it down? The Flash using his powers, is effectively slowing time for everyone but him. Then they use the only guy with no super speed to attack him with an a magic time arrow that is never explained (I’m willing to forgive the magic arrow, probably given to him by the Monitor

I just take them out and hold them in my hand, or drop them in my pocket (easier if I have a shirt front pocket). If they’re not the case, you run the risk of unpausing your music, but generally it’s not a big deal. You don’t need to put them back in the case every single time.

Is it just me or was the writing and acting of the companions terrible?

Right you are. I tried to block that movie out and didn’t remember it right.

I’m glad she’s in better things. Her big break in LOST obviously turned into just a love triangle object, and then she was cast in The Hobbit, and specifically only took it if she wasn’t going to be a love interest, and then they rewrote it so she was in a love triangle (Lee Pace and one of the dwarves). I’m glad she’s

Literally no one thinks she isn’t referring to Hardwick. There are plenty of things to argue about over this event, but who she’s referring to is not even remotely in question.

I’m hoping that they squeeze book 4 into only half a season, as it’s undoubtedly the weakest of all the books, followed by what is arguably the strongest.

Transparent elements certainly left an ever expanding legacy, but I’d say that the best thing about Vista over XP was it’s vast improvement in Plug’n’Play and grabbing drivers from the internet as it needed it, rather than you needing to hunt those drivers down yourself.

I don’t see why they can’t just make a normal Spider-Man trailer, even if they truly act like they are dead in Avengers 4 trailers. Everyone knows those characters aren’t really dead, they’ve already announced movies for half of them. It’s not going to be some huge shock to people.

Has it really only been 2 months since Infinity War came out? Shit, it feels like forever ago.

Remember, items inside ships can still break the speed limit (or at least could before the grenade). The one guy killed himself with a pistol, and that bullet only worked because he was inside the ship.

Please watch the Amazon versions, as Avasarala without dropping f-bombs every ten minutes, isn’t really Avasarala.

I currently pay for Google Play Music, and I really like it. It allows me to just listen to songs without needing to buy them, like Spotify, but unlike Spotify, I can upload my own songs. I have a lot of weird mashups and stuff that isn’t on Google or Spotify, and being able to upload some random mp3 is invaluable to

Apparently Mike Coulter, Eka Darville, J.R. Ramirez, Terry Chen, and Rosario Dawson don’t count.

I hate them for it, but I understand. I would always watch it on Amazon because then Avasarala isn’t censored and can curse like she’s meant to. Someone else better scoop up this pile of money already.

So, scientifically, it’s impossible for this movie not to suck, right?

I understand that they can’t just air robot destruction for the entire thing, there are only so many fights they can film, and only so many robots to be destroyed. But these human interest pieces are terrible. Instead, I propose they do informational pieces about the technology involved.