Nick Foote

I imagine there were like twelve versions of Barry, a handful of Wally Wests, and a Bart Allen all gathered there at the site of Barry’s mom’s death, arguing about which way he should go with this.

Not going to give it its entire 90 minute run time, but suffice it to say from the description alone, I’m sure this film earned every bit of the 2.3 rating it’s amassed on IMDB. :)

Reminded me of Sucker Punch more than anything else

There’s a reason why the show is called Arrow and not Green Arrow.

James Wesley, Daredevil. Best eyebrow game and smarm in the MCU.

I think it should apply to anything that flies and doesn’t have a person onboard.

If I hear one more person describe their company as a “startup”, I’m going to disrupt them right in the vertical integration.

“Have you ever been convicted of a crime?”

Now I’m tempted to set up an interivew for a job I don’t want just so I can answer that question with “no, I’ve never once been convicted, they’ve never been able to make a good case against me.”

I pulled an amazingly cringeworthy move in one of my first interviews. I can’t believe how stupid I was.

How could Barry not have known Iris was on to him during that opening scene? Just more of smart characters being dumb. But oh, hey. I’m liking Iris a little bit finally. Way to tell off your pops. She should totally have been brought in sooner.

This entire season, we’ve been asking for just one thing: A giant talking psychic gorilla.

I thought it was because Microsoft’s browser team felt like they were up against hopeless odds but were gonna go down swinging anyway.

Agents of SHIELD (9 PM, ABC)

I’m pretty sure this article explains exactly why we shit on DC. Then there’s Green Lantern and Man of Steel.

Personally, as a real person with real person thoughts and NOT a paid sponsor: I am both enthused and excited by Microsoft’s dynamic new name and would highly recommend it to my fellow robo... er... people.

I’ve had this mouse since it came out and only charged it twice, so it seems good for about a month at the office with lots of use.

What do you call Battlefront 2 with less players, less maps, no campaign, and no space battles?

This gave me a raging Banner.

It only took 4 years, but finally something we helped create got a solo post on io9! And a reluctant thumbs up from Bricken to boot?! And for shows that I'm actually a fan of and enjoy watching!! This makes toiling away on countless reality show copy worthwhile - today at least.