Nick Foote

You know, every time someone makes a movie about AI and machines killing us, it sets back The Singularity Event another 10 years.

When the dragons started talking about their master plan is what really got me.

Those 4 Episodes have shitty quality. True GOTers will wait for a 720p (and pirate that)

Torrenting is dangerous. Usenet is where it's at.

Man at Arms uses the Damascus technique a lot.

The Devil's Advocate was a HILARIOUS episode of "How Did This Get Made?"

The How Did This Get Made? podcast had a great episode devoted to the batshit insanity that is this movie. Lots of great tidbits about how Pacino got involved.

"If history doesn't care our degenerate friend Frye is his own grandfather, then who are we to judge?" Futurama.

Former BSG cast members (Olmos, Lawless) are to SHIELD as former Spartacus cast members are to Arrow/Flash.

I want Steam to detect other installs on Steam clients on my LAN, checksum them, then transfer any games it can from other clients over LAN rather than the much slower internet.

Yes but that's what I pay the extra $140 for. Also, I like my cars and planes pre-tested.

But the person testing it that first time wasn't me...

So to save $140 he went with homemade, untested safety equipment. Not sure I'd make that tradeoff.

Serious answer, it's Star Trek. I love both franchises, but let's be honest. Star Wars is an incredibly great fantasy tale that makes you swing fake light sabers around and dress up in costumes.

Here is the first, official picture of Ryan Reynolds as everyone's favorite anti-hero Deadpool.

Please tell me he keeps his gadgets in the Bible Belt.

What's super funny is when you realize that Matt Lauer paid people to set this up (aka PA's and interns) and Ellen paid people (aka PA's and interns) to clean it up! i.e. these pranks are not pranks in the traditional sense...they are deeply arranged farces designed to create a youtube video that's cute (and it

This was an awesome series about a guy who could not remember who he was but he literally knew everything else... Very interesting premise and a show that I wish lived on, much like Firefly...

The physics of that motorcycle flip make zero sense, but just guess how many fucks I give about that?

I'm not going to defend (or attack) reddit but I do find it hilarious how many anti-reddit articles Gizmodo publishes considering the amount of content it rips directly from the front page. The thesis here is that the good and bad of reddit are one in the same is it not? So the "good" area you steal report on content