Nick Foote

'Tucker & Dale vs. Evil' is an under-appreciated classic of comedy and horror.

As painful as passwords are, I don't see good things coming from replacing them with a physical object (device or anatomy (biometrics).

I've never been more sure a throwaway character was going to die an awful, hilarious, deserved death early in the film. By the end... just wow.

Seymour Birkhoff. He went from annoying toadie to awesome sidekick. Probably was my favourite towards the end of the Nikita.

If I were SONY, I would pull an Apple and release the damn thing for FREE on every single digital platform like YouTube, iTunes, NetFlix and Amazon Video.

I am reading Clarke's Childhood's End in preparation for the SyFy miniseries. I just passed the part where the Overlords basically let humans do whatever the fuck they want, with only a couple of exceptions. One of which is, don't harm animals unless it is for food or self-defence.

I'd suggest DVR-ing it so you can skip past the Discovery Channel patented return from commercial, spend 8 minutes recapping the last segment, show 2 minutes of new footage, cut to commercial, repeat for 1 hour show formatting.

Still not sure how we feel about Sarah Connor being raised by a Terminator the whole time

No need for that leak, we all know Sony's log-in username and passwords are:

Casting Tom Hardy and Jai Courtney in the same movie is so bizarre to me considering Jai Courtney is a poor man's Tom Hardy.

Genius! You don't need any dialog when the body language is so perfectly done.

How I addressed that same disparity in my own mind (besides just dismissing the prequels as garbage) was that the prequels were set mainly in the "downtown" part of the galaxy and in peacetime, while the real movies were in the outskirts and front lines during wartime. In the heart of a vast galactic empire/republic

This was something that bothered me slightly about the prequels. Vehicular design in the original trilogy was very closely tied to design ideals in the 1970's-80's. In the new movies, even though they were supposed to take place decades before the original trilogy, everything was sleek, clean and modern-looking. Not

By far my favorite character. They got him down perfectly, with the broken helmet and scratched up chest logo.

This was not a good episode of The Flash. In fact, this was an outright bad episode of The Flash

I've given up on the movie side. Grodd and the boxing glove arrow have forever won me over. Amell, you are Green Arrow. Gustin, you are The Flash. Nuff said.

I don't give 2 shits about the simpsons but watching this only for the Futurama part

Case Study: Scorpion

Is one of the improvements a lot more pedestrians? It seems like all the shots have greatly increased numbers of pedestrians. I can definitely get behind that... I can't wait to run them all down with an ambulance.