Nick Foote


Noah Wyle may have aged a bit too much to do it again as a young Steve, but he's still the best fit for it in my opinion.

I hadn't thought of that, but you are right! It was lighter!

If the game looked like this in ANY way, it would be the only game that ever sold! This looks more like what the Deadpool movie will be like, than COD. In ten years, this is what it will look like, but for now, this doesn't get me excited.

I liked the pause and the tiniest of smiles Snart showed when Cisco christened him, "Captain Cold." It reminded me of Lurch trying to be charming. But in a good way.

Actually, the teaser trailer was supposed to be released tonight, so this is in place of that one, which leaked.

More like you need good publicity to get up-vote, something that is increasingly hard to come by since so many people have been burnt out on Greenlight games.

99% of indie is crap.

Don't even get me started on the stack of dog vomit pancakes that is office 2011 for the Mac. I hope they'll at least *try* to make it function as well as the windows version this time. At least give us a good version of Excel.

something something John Galt. Something something Ayn Rand warned us this is where the world was heading.


*whew* carry on.

Now playing

Just because it's all so ridiculous, and it becomes so much better once you know what's coming...

Now playing

I think this speaks for itself (Cavil's "I Don't Want To Be Human" speech).

That gets to the question I wanted to ask. The post says matte painter and visual effects supervisor, so I interpret that to mean he supervised a team of very talented visual effects artists to create these images. I'm not trying to disparage his work, but in my experience, supervisors are hired more for their

Robo Reddington.

Everyone, EVERYONE said, "Oh, another CBS procedural", but I saw so much more in the first episodes: