Nick Foote

well, there's a simple reason why it works so well, the game is designed for drop in-drop out co-op, so there are already animations for the characters in third person.

Now playing

I gotta say that the forest scene from Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows literally had me hanging my mouth open in theaters. It was a perfect use of slow motion as a storytelling tool AND eye candy. You really get a sense of how destructive and close those explosions are when the bursts of light fill the frame.

Game: Mass Effect

Geez, how is he supposed to see in that thi-... oh, right.

Doesn't matter, Brad Bird.

Are you kidding me? She's not new to me. I remember her recognizing her from Die Another Die when I was watching Surrogates.

I have been playing this game... it seems to take the best of Assassins Creed and Batman ( combat and movement systems wise ), wrapped up in Middle Earth lore and with an added nemisys system: This is a good game.

What really gets me is the rosy puddle of effluvia that dribbles out at the very end of the clip. ::Shudder::

Yeah, not gonna lie: I spent about half the video almost distracted by how much I was thinking, "But... but how?" I grew up with cats. They don't just do things for you. They are the opposite of video game characters.

Impressive cat-herding. I'm guessing about 800 man hours went into getting those shots.

Granny Goodness

You gotta give Molly Weasley some credit! She's a no nonsense gal and is willing to discipline her sons when they step out of line. She also takes the opportunity to become the mother Harry never had and while I don't like the fact that she sometimes loves Harry more than Ron, she still will go to great lengths to

What can I say? When a woman gives birth with a pulse-based weapon in hand, in the middle of a major firefight that had virtually zero chances of survival...does that make her tough enough?

Person of Interest is an anomaly. This is the same network that gives us Two Broke Girls.

It's a shame about "Scorpion" as the real Walter O'Brien is a cool guy who hacked NASA from his Irish cottage when he was 13 and created a program that caught the Boston Marathon bombers. Yet this show pushes the old cliché of "geniuses with no common sense," guys who get wrapped up in math problems so forget to play

Anything that has a name like "Selfie" is already dated. Might as well call it "Cronut."

Reminds me of how Dirty Laundry is also the best Punisher film.