Nick Foote

You are totally and completely, 100% a hater. Go out and find me this exact sweater, take a picture of yourself wearing it holding a sign saying: "A Bottle of Sunny D: This sweater was easy to find" and I will eat my Pikachu cosplay hat. Until then, quit hatin'.

Uh... Really? They got the clothes spot-on, going to far as to make the wolf t-shirt exactly the same as the one in the original art. They even got the stains on Arya's denim... Jumper... Thing... Correct.

It is proof that Scott Glenn is a skilled actor that he could deliver those terrible quips without pickle-faced, wincing contempt.

I honestly thought the opening of Sucker Punch was a brilliant display of visual storytelling. That first fight scene and the backstory of the heroine was compelling.

I feel like if you're not the type of person who has a spare USB keyboard and mouse laying around, you're probably not the type of person who would find any utility in a Raspberry Pi.

That's a pretty weak feature list, and is mostly just catch-up to Android. Jobs would be disgusted.

Shoot counts as one character, right?

Fake. No one is excited to meet at LAX.

James May being constantly berated for being slow and directionally challenged is like half the reason why the show is so good.

Top Gear by a country mile. The format was awful and the show stunk so bad they start at series 2 on Netflix. They revamped the format and brought in James May and it's been going strong for well over 10 years.

Puppets in space? It'll never work.

I don't think anyone expected Buffy to be as amazing as it ended up being. I know I sure didn't. I ignored it completely until the end of its third season, but after that I was hooked. Now I own both it and Angel.

A low-budget midseason replacement show on the shitty WB network starring nobody you know except maybe that guy from the British version of those will-they-or-won't-they coffee commercials, based on a below-average movie that was mildly amusing at its BEST, and written/created by the guy who's best known for doing…

Let's be honest, it's only a matter of time before DC revives them as villains.

I have always been amazed at how lightning quick all of the Muppetteers are. Any time they're doing any kind of live interaction, they absolutely nail the humor—while managing to be both kid-friendly and grown-up witty.

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If you enjoyed the Cookie Monster / John Oliver video, the goof reel is even funnier. Who ever voices Cookie Monster has even quicker wit than John Oliver.


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One suggestion, and it is almost too small to note. Peter Stormare's bravura turn as the Devil in "Constantine." There is *nothing* else to recommend the movie, but the two minutes he is onscreen make me want to see a whole movie with Stormare as Satan.

Goat Simulator. It started as a joke. It has gone too far to be considered a joke anymore.