Nick Foote

What you should do: Close whatever applications you don't need to be staring at so that you don't have to get called out for it by your office visitor. Prioritize the tasks you do work on over the course of the day so that you're not doing 100 things at once and crushing your system memory, either.

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It has to be the master of the trend: Edmond Dantes aka the Count of Monte Cristo

I like the deleted scene from Avengers where the waitress tells Steve Rogers the cafe has free wireless and he goes, "You mean radio?"

I think this is my favorite in modern genre, just because Nolan had the courage to leave the exact origins unknown.

"So EA claims adding pools in Sims 4 isn't easy."

That's odd, my bullshit-o-meter is spiking.

I like the one character who was an orphan and then became the super hero.

Phillip J Fry. He's LITERALLY his own grandpa!

You idiots! You captured their stunt doubles!

The great thing about somebody quoting Groot is it leaves you wide open to say anything.

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Short Change Hero is solid trailer music. I was among those (in what I think was a minority) who thought it worked really well for the Arkham City game trailer too. However, it's not quite gritty enough still for Sin City. It's close, but it feels a little soft. Perhaps some instrumental version of a Muse song? Not

Well shit, if Nicholas freaking Stango isn't seeing it, well then, neither am I!

The teens who have heard of it and own it go beyond just social media as a resource to connect with friends. Those that did all the stuff the rest of us have done and laughed have potential for growth. The ones that kept asking for a goal depress me greatly and probably just use social media to connect with friends

Why is there a Resident Evil part 54432 pic here?

It would be great if we could get a compromise where DC's awesome direct-to-video animated movie department just went ahead and made this movie in animated form. Get Nic Cage and any of the other cast actors to do the voices, design the characters to look like the actors, have all the production design follow

Can I nominate every singe technological innovation pioneered by Uncle Red?

He was amazing in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Best movie ever.

Yes, Justice League should be a full-on Mummy reunion. Arnold Voslooo can be Brainiac, and Brendan Frasier can operate the boom mic.

I've tried Torchwood a few times and never made it past season one's midpoint. I keep trying.