Nick Foote

Ready Player One is basically just a cleaner version of Family Guy. Tons of references to things that the vast majority of the audience doesn’t get, but feels they should be enjoying, so they do. Then the other part of the audience that knows the references and is cringing at how cheaply they are used.

It’s Marvel, we’re going to get sequels forever, accept it. Just be glad they are only going in one direction and not doing both sequels and prequels. Captain America 1 is the only movie that is wildly out of chronological order, but it’s the first Cap movie, so it’s not a prequel. Prequels are objectively worse than

I advocate for a healthy mix between the two depending on what you like. However, lets be clear about something, Cloud storage isn’t some magical, infinite, unbreachable void where your files dance with unicorns. The Cloud is just some one else’s server. Not everyone is comfortable with certain data being technically

In that first meeting, I really didn’t like how Dani focused so much on how her lineage granted her the rights to be queen, she’s done a lot of great things that she should be bragging about. Jon was being all altruistic and saying he was didn’t really like being king in the north, but someone needed to step up and

I’m not sure how much information twitch streamers get about viewers, but conceivably, the only way to prove he was stream sniping is to match IPs of him in game to a viewer of the stream (and even that isn’t 100%, maybe his little brother was watching the stream in another room, who knows). Anything other than that,

Just watch Shoot ‘Em Up and you get about 60% of what you’re looking for in a live action Archer movie.

He was on The Mentalist for a while too, and apparently everyone’s mom watched that show, so they should know him.

Fuck that, public voice chat is off all the time. Yeah, I’m talking about playing with a friend who just got the game.

Anytime I play with some one on their first game, I tell them to get ready, and then when it goes to loading island, I start screaming “GO GO GO! PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH!” and start acting like this is in fact the death match. It usually gets them for a few joyful (for me anyways) seconds until they notice their furious

Those AT&T ads don’t do her justice, she’s legitimately hilarious, and perfect for Squirrel Girl.

Defendant’s Commercials were objectionable because they featured repeated homicides in a dark, dystopian landscape, where violence is glorified as sport. The killings and physical violence were not to protect innocent life...

Joseph Daniel Hudek IV

Oh please, he could have been such a bigger asshole. Had a friend work at Chipotle for a while, and here are some of the orders they hate. Mostly because they usually involve making a special batch of something just for you.

I’m of the exact opposite mindset. I’d rather they replace trailers with completely different material. Some of the best promotional videos for things have been little featurettes that weren’t in the movie at all. Little short films really. Don’t give away the plot, but show us a character or two and setup the world

Hey man, lay off him. He’s a football player doing something geeky, which is brave enough. Maybe he didn’t win, but he’s certainly not faking it.

Now playing

That isn’t even the worst TMNT related song.

I think his popularity had to do with the fact that he was the star of, arguably, the first actually good super hero franchise (Rami’s movies). X-Men came out right around the same time, but I think the campy-ness of Rami came across as genuine to kids and appealed to them in a way that X-Men did not.

I mean, the older games, you could pile drive a bad guy off the empire state building and it would just “knock him out”. I don’t think they explicitly need to animate things like that, it’s kind of a given, and a quirk of the game. But if they want to, hey, whatever floats your boat.

So apparently the defense they’re all going with is “Nope. I’m not going to answer shit, and I have no legal reason why”

I guess... but all of those movies are “people vs monster” and unless they do some risky moves that I don’t think they’ll do, then I don’t think they’ll make the people the bad guys. Their best chance is to do what several other monster movies have done (Blade, King Kong, Godzilla, etc...), and make it Monster vs