Nick Foote

The problem is that the universal monsters are (for the most part) the bad guys in their movies, and Universal is trying to make it into a Justice League: Dark team up. Formula: Accidentally unleash monster, monster kills a bunch of people, monster seems unstoppable, hero finds some way to defeat them, monster dies.

It’s really hard to be excited about a cliffhanger on SGU, since literally every episode ended on a cliffhanger, and that cliffhanger was resolved in the first 2 minutes of the next episode, in the least interesting way possible. Then 32 minutes of boring, and then another cliffhanger. Sprinkle in a few minutes of

Let me remind everyone that this was a real movie poster.

I really like how American Gods is featuring a bunch of actors who you would think are past their prime, and who’ve never really had a meaty dramatic role, and we get to see them monologue the shit out of a scene.

Now playing

Not sure about watch order, but the best way to watch Phantom Menace is to play it at 2x speed, mute it, and play yakety sax on a loop.

The Flash has never had consistent time travel rules/logic. Sometimes he goes back in time and replaces his former self, sometimes it’s in addition to his former self. Undoing things via a paradox already happened in season 1 with Eddie killing himself to stop Thawne, but it only made him disappear instead of actually

Condolences 2 families

Eh... not a lot of originality here...

I’m not falling for this again...

Set two generations before the destruction of the legendary Man of Steel’s home planet, Krypton follows Superman’s grandfather

It’s all a Jacob’s Ladder thing from Obi Wan and Qui Gon dying from that poison gas at the beginning of Phantom Menace.

Uh... looks just like Heroes, except an even lower vfx budget.

The hat and bandanna seem like they were photo-shopped on (poorly), among other issues.

The Mist

Hey, you put my thing on your thing. Thanks! Kudos for being a good sport about all of us being so forceful with our opinions.

You must not have to use much software for work then. Here’s a list of very common software that is my least favorite:

“If it’s in Docs, why would you need a separate copy on a file server?”

Wow, do I have news for you. Literally everyone uses software they hate for work that is insecure and generally shitty. Word is arguably one of the least infuriating that I run into. Sure, technically Google Docs is an alternative, but receiving phishing emails designed to look like links to Google Docs is just as

The Mist is another, decent/sub-par horror movie, that is elevated by the sheer balls of the ending being counter to the standard happy Hollywood ending. Damn I still think about that ending after all this time.