Nick Foote

I recently had a D&D session where the DM tried to setup a who-done-it train heist thing, but our party just made the train stop and then burned down the boxcar that had the valuables in it, and took the jewels and melted/cooled chunks of gold. Gotta think outside the box (or burn the box down).

For small dogs with flat faces, I’ve successfully used the three stooges technique. AKA: put your hand in a karate chop pose, and keep the side opposite of your thumb pressed against their snout, and keep your hand perpendicular to their mouth. Unless they really twist their head around fast, it makes them physically

Yes, lets use credit cards as a template... those shining examples of impossible-to-crack security.

Those faces and bodies are so creepy, like, impressively creepy.

I really like the western bounty hunter couple episode and the Spartan episode.

That top one kinda looks like he’s trying to manifest latent heat vision powers to burn Trump’s hair.

Neither had has a major breakthrough (not counting electric vehicles) in this span. For computers, everything becomes faster and higher capacity when you make it smaller. So we just keep making it smaller and smaller. You don’t really need to invent new things, just new techniques for making it smaller. There is no

I’m really impressed with Legends of Tomorrow. After it was originally announced, but hadn’t aired yet, I was super excited. I love time travel and Vandal Savage is my all time favorite villain. Then as episodes started coming out, I was disappointed by it. My friend saw part of an action scene and asked me if I was

traditionally millennials are hesitant to become politicians for various reasons because they expect to get paid much more than they are worth and don’t want to work more than 30 hours a week. because we might dig up their comment history.

Basically, apply everything you heard Dr House say about patients lying, and change it to “users.”

Good god... so many terrible things, but the top of my list would have to be Smallville. Yes, all 10 seasons of that schlock, binge watched in about a month. I love some parts about it, but it also represents some of the most annoying soapy, teen drama tropes of all time.

It’s not just that they’d get mutants. There are tons of other characters and villains tied up in those rights, and Marvel can use those instead of the some of the more lackluster bad guys they’ve been using recently.

Yep, just wrap the series up with Logan being a nice send off to the series, and sell it back to Marvel. Then Deadpool 2 and make even more meta jokes about shifting universes yet basically remain the same. Then in 2-4 years Marvel can start bringing in all the X-Men stuff into the MCU.

The actress probably was the body, voice, and motion capture for Leia, but her face was most certainly CGI.

I really appreciate that they had the balls to kill off the whole main cast, and I hope they keep these Star Wars Stories movies from becoming sequels to themselves (I don’t want to see Rogue One 2).

Yeah, but even though they brought in Avasarala sooner than the books did, they make up for it with how much the actress nailed her persona.

I was in absolute denial that that voice over was Anthony Hopkins until they actually showed him. What kind of crazy blackmail must they have on him?

“Tom said it’s the biggest thing he’s ever worked on”

Ok, the Doctor (Who?) isn’t limited to 13 lives or whatever, he’s got infinite. That combined with his time traveling, I think the Doctor is literally everyone, ever. He’s interacting with himself at different points in his timeline, and he’s just really early on in his life, and the later. It’s basically just like

90% of the time that someone says “my computer is slow” it’s because they have 50 things auto-starting with Windows. Get in there and disabled shit like Java updater, iTunes helper, Adobe Updater, and those 10 programs you installed that one time but have never used since.