Nick Foote

Because SSD’s have a set number of time that it can write to a bit (it’s a pretty high number, don’t worry), and defragging basically just reorganizes everything, thus using some of those writes. So if you do it on a regular basis, it adds up and will decrease the time before it stops working.

Uh... Macs run into the exact same issues, they’re just harder to fix on Macs because they don’t give you decent, built in tools to do it. Like uninstalling a god damn program fully, without a third party program, is impossible. They always leave behind a bunch of configs and system files after you delete the .app

Is it just me, or do these look really, really similar to the bases that you build in Subnautica?

Headline: Trump Eliminated Intelligence in the White House. No One Surprised.

Gawker died, but not before surgically grafting itself to Gizmodo.

Seems like they come in with hazmat suits when they’re able to pause all the hosts, but there are times when there are guests around, and if they just paused all the hosts it would break the illusion for them. I’ve only seen the workers (excluding Ford) in western garb once or twice, so it probably doesn’t happen

Step 1: Be powerful

I suspect that those “development issues” were that No Man’s Sky turned out shitty, and so they decided maybe they shouldn’t put out a similar game.

I guess it’s adds some rigidity so the front skull cap doesn’t just get caved in by a mace/flail or whatever, but considering they couldn’t weld back then, it was probably largely ornamental.

Plus, saying it’s similar to one of the best Marvel movies ever made (Winter Soldier > Avengers > Iron Man, right?), isn’t exactly an insult.

Yes, but in both Memento and Person of Interest (I’m a huge fan of it btw), it’s always clear when they are jumping around in time. Memento is confusing at first, sure, but at no point (other than the very beginning) is it unclear that it’s not being shown to you chronologically.

Yeah, but she still has the gun, right? That’s got to count for something as far as leaning toward a single-timeline, right?

I was thinking that since MIB killed Lawrence, so they went and collected his body, and then put him in the other town and started that story loop up now that he was there.

jesus... thanks for reminding me how terrible Caprica was.

There’s sort of a, transitive property of people meeting other people that makes the multiple timeline not possible. Billy meets Delores when she’s on the fritz, Delores is taken in and examined by Ford and lies to him because she’s starting to be on the fritz, and Ford meets with the Man in Black. The only part of

Yeah, for you it was fine. For a company that sells thing to customers largely on the east coast, and whose preferred method of payment is Paypal, they probably had a really shitty day.

Playing games with a keyboard and mouse is like playing music with a grand piano. Playing with a controller is like playing music with a ukulele. Yeah, you’re still playing music, but you can’t play as complex things, have as much control, or get as good results.

We were trying to watch Netflix and he was hogging all the bandwidth, sorry bro, but we really want to watch Luke Cage.

While your grammar correction is valid. I live in the area that Tony Hawk lives (Encinitas, CA) and I see him from time to time. He’s a cool guy, and people generally give him his space and don’t mob him when he’s out and about.

I have a different prediction. I think she’s going to become romantically involved with the other Kryptonian who crashed. I think she’s going to like that they are capable of the same thing and have a shared history. He’ll probably be evil at some point, but I bet that’s the romantic arc they pushed Jimmy Olsen out of