Nick Foote

I’ve seen original door knobs on 200 year old buildings still functioning. Whereas I’d be willing to be that this plastic latch would be broken after about 500 turns of the handle.

What happens if car companies start advertising to consumers by saying “We specifically program our self-driving cars to prefer the driver’s (aka: your) life over pedestrians.”

I would think this would wear out extremely quickly, because instead of an actual rotating joint, you are bending a material over and over again. I’ve never seen anything that physically deforms as part of it’s function last very long.

Yes, Freedom of the Press and all that, but man, you guys have got to stop picking battles that, not only are you going to lose, but put your existence at risk. I thought you learned your lesson about making your last stand on shakey ground.

Sure, he’s the most technically savvy person that has ever applied, but does he have customer skills? No offense, but I’m betting a lifetime engineer hasn’t had to deal directly with customers ever. Maybe that was the reason?

What’re you talking about? Look at this diversity! It ranges all the way from small boobs to big boobs!

It wasn’t an homage, it was borderline theft.

I suppose it lets them avoid the whole “topless” aspect of Splash altogether.

Yes, I’ve managed to figure it out since I made this comment 5 years ago, but thanks.

So someone sneezes too hard and they stop the escalators, but run water down them and they keep working?

I’m looking forward to when it can have a running list of all the tv tropes that are about to happen.

That dude is going to be disappeared before he even has a chance to talk.

eh...if they had just aired it, no one would have noticed, but by announcing that they’re delaying it, they’re getting free media coverage.

Being willing to admit when you’re wrong, and accepting blame when it’s your fault. Everyone already knows you were wrong and it’s your fault, but by not admitting it, you make everyone hate you for it.

How could they have Robin’s and not roll them? (yes, technically they rolled that one they were towing, but they pushed it over themselves).

Use Celery Salt on the rim of the glass.

Wow, it’s like after The Tomorrow People, literally every cast member got spread out between other CW (and ABC) shows.

I like that they won’t have as many standalone origin stories. Sure, you still need them for lesser known characters, especially if they have very weird powers (like Ant-Man or Doctor Strange), but we don’t need another origin story for Spider-Man, and we don’t need an origin story for Black Panther (partly because

Well it makes sense, it’s set in WWI, and the first Battlefield game was actually “Battlefield 1942" so they’re not repeating themselves. While I would have like it better if it were named Battlefield 1917 (the year the US entered the war), I find Battlefield 1 acceptable.