Nick Foote

“titanium is a good stand-in for vibranium”

Damn, they really got everyone but Will Smith and Randy Quad back for this sequel... They’ve even got Brent Spiner, Judd Hirsch, and Vivica A. Fox.

I love Flash and Arrow, but Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow are just bad, and Gotham is a fucking trainwreck.

I thought that the red arm was going to be a Chekhov’s Gun situation, where like, it turned out the other part of the map would be hidden inside it, or maybe another lightsaber or something. Nope, turns out it’s basically just for a comic tie in.

It’s nice to see he’s got the tiny, little, puny arms again. Everything is as it should be.

Could it be more of a reference to the fact that Spider-Man is finally coming home to the rest of Marvel?

Snyder makes good movies when he directly adapts a graphic novel to film. He can make it beautiful when he’s given a set of instructions that gives him a script and visuals (in the form of stills). Watchmen and 300 were decent movies that people generally enjoyed, and no one can argue that they aren’t very faithful

Every single one of those pictures screams “poor decision making skills”, which is exactly why they are voting for Trump.

Then he should wear that when he drives his numerous rocket powered vehicles, because so far when he’s driven them he’s had no safety gear (half the time I don’t even think he made a seat belt).

Seriously, I’ve never seen this guy wear safety glasses or a helmet, ever. I will not be surprised in the slightest if/when he is injured in a way that either of these simple devices could have prevented.

Now playing

DC has been absolutely killing it with their animated shows and movies. The tone is exactly right, gets the characters right, and has good stories. I don’t understand why they aren’t just stealing from those. For instance, here is a funny Batman clip that perfectly fits Batman’s character, while the rest of the story

I loved it, except they seem to run out of CG budget for electricity effects halfway through. The fight at the end looked pretty terrible, especially when Kara was shocked blocking the helicopter. Like, Apple Movie default Lightning effects level bad.

Never thought I’d see Weird Al cosplay. Looks good though.

While I’m not a user of burner phones, imagine if they made you register when you bought a computer, firearm, or cold medicine. I don’t like the idea that we need to register our perfectly legal purchases because criminals also happen to use them.

Regardless of what you thought of Man of Steel, that music is fucking amazing, and it’s nice to hear it again in this video.

To be fair, Ryan Reynolds was pretty decent in all of his roles as super heroes. He was believable as Hal Jordan, he certainly pulled off being Deadpool for the first 20 minutes of Origins, and don’t remember hating him in RIPD. The movies mainly sucked around him due to other characters, the story or lack thereof,

We also tend to forget the very cartoonish styling it sometimes had. It’s almost like he was telling a story, and exaggerating certain parts of it. “And then I jumped off one oh Hydra’s 50 ft tall tanks, and then it exploded!” “To catch up to the plane that was taking off, Tommy Lee Jones stole Hitler’s car that was

While the FBI is at it, lock makers are going to need to make a universal key that works for all doors, that way the FBI can get into places when it needs to. They promise the key won’t get won’t fall into the wrong hands.

Holy crap! It’s Vic Romano!?

Fixed that for you