Nick Foote

They should make a new category called: How did this get made, much less turn out good!?

Think about everything you just said, except about Ewoks: The Battle for Endor and Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure...

If anything, I think that Spielberg is one of the few people who could actually manage to get the rights to all/most of the things referenced in the book. His star power might actually cut through some of the intellectual property hell that the producers must be going through.

The man in the mask has got to be Earth-2 Wally, right? He’s got dark-ish skin, and is one of the few character we haven’t seen the Earth-2 counterpart for.

The fact that he played an amazing villain previously really helps early on when you’re not really sure if you trust him yet. You have the same suspicions that Reese has, and you grow to trust him just like Reese.

I always like seeing how they have digital creatures interact with real world objects. Things like stepping in the dirt, water, or picking something up. Sure, they can just make the dirt/water/object be digital too, but I like it when they have to do things that must’ve looked absolutely stupid to shoot, like the

I feel bad because it’s not really his fault. Sure, he did a dumb voice, but George Lucas directed the movie, and gave him the script, and the main issues with Jar Jar is what he does and the fact that he exists, and has almost nothing to do with the quality of acting.

So let me get this straight: A spider-man hoodie is for sale and that means he’s in the movie? Doesn’t Marvel sell millions of apparel based on superheroes? Why is this one an indication of an upcoming movie? I don’t see anything in the description that specifically says “Civil War” so I’m confused as to why those

This is good. Not only so they can give it more polish technically, but also because yearly is just too often. I know Syndicate and Rogue were decent games and I’ve played every other game in the franchise, but I got Syndicate for free with an SSD and Rogue on a cheap Steam sale, and I only got about 2-3 hours into

It generally doesn’t feel like the separation has that much of an impact on DareDevil, Jessica Jones, or Luke Cage (probably), because those shows are so localized and small, so the disconnect is natural. However it really starts to feel weird with Agents of SHIELD, because they deal with global threats. While it’s

I’m thinking it’s not so much evil Earth so much as it’s “Darkest Timeline Earth”.

... and we’re come full circle. Our phones are giant again, and we’ve got extending pieces of metal.

It’s hard to tell from just a trailer, but this one seems to be embracing the wackiness of the situation (hence Bebop and Rocksteady being basically as cartoonish as possible), and are dropping some of the “dark and gritty” aspects that were present in the first one. Or maybe it seems better because Megan Fox only

The rule I generally go by is: If it’s only one sentence, don’t use a period because it just looks odd. If it’s more than once sentence, I’ve already used periods and not having one at the end would look really dumb.

Also, side note, I just now realized that Flash Thompson was played by Joe Manganiello, aka: werewolf hunk from True Blood.

Powers season 1 was probably one of the least consistent tv seasons I’ve ever watched. The acting wasn’t consistent, the vfx weren’t consistent, the set design, the costumes, nothing. After it finished, I genuinely didn’t know if it was amazing or shitty. I enjoyed it enough to give season 2 a try though.

It’s like they watched Age of Ultron and were like, we’d better steal that farmhouse retreat bit.

You know you can just go to the web browser version:

He refuses to take responsibility for anything, and always manages to find a scapegoat.

If you were to translate the two vehicles into earth equivalents, The Millennium Falcon is the General Lee and the Enterprise is the USS George H.W. Bush (the newest aircraft carrier). They’re entirely different classes of ship from completely different technological levels, there is no point in comparing them.