Nick Foote

Why can’t you just add Non-Steam games as shortcuts in Steam. That’s what I do for Uplay and Origin games. Sure it has to then launch Origin/Uplay, but so does this I assume.

If you aren’t able to stay in Downtown proper, what I’ve done in the past is park in Old Town by the tram thing (no idea what it’s actually called) and ride that to a stop that is a couple blocks from the Convention Center. Way easier then parking at the convention center itself. I live like 40 minutes north of

I’ve already thought that in game rewards for 100%-ing games has always been too low. I remember getting all 150 pokemon in the original Red/Blue version, and I went to the person that I was suppose to talk to when I got them all, and he said “Here is a diploma thing you can print out if you bought the gameboy

There are 3 endings. The ending of the Scarecrow/Arkham Knight story that is the main mission. Then the Knightfall ending where you get most of the side missions done. Then there is an extended Knightfall ending you get when you 100% it (including all Riddler trophies) and unless you really like collecting those

Not only that, but by saying it’s been happening for years, she’s saying that this was a problem long before her (which it was), and that means it’s not really her fault because she just got here. While the general problem isn’t her fault, she certainly has made it worse.

I did some extensive research this weekend:

Well, just like any job that you quit, you don’t just die afterward, you go find another job, preferably one that appreciates you (or at least compensates you). The mods will go to voat or make up something new.

Casual users will certainly be uninterested in using Reddit if all the moderators just up and quit for being treated like shit.

So, I’ve seen signs at a couple businesses that say something along the lines of “we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone”. At this point, there are plenty of reasons that they can’t use. So is being an asshole pretty much the only reason left that they can still legally use?

What!? That’s bullshit! They said the third movie was going to be called Sharktopus vs Mermantula. They can’t go changing it now! I want to see a Mermaid Tarantula beast.

I’m surprised that Rocksteady made a point of including and promoting new Nvidia features like those smoke, debris, and rain elements for the PC version, but still can’t get past these lesser video bugs. The rain was a nice touch, but I hardly encountered much smoke, and didn’t noticed debris/paper on the ground, so

Is no one concerned that the planet’s rotation is slowing down? Because that seems concerning...

I’ve heard it as a few, but the two that seems to be the most likely are, Fie-gee and Fay-hee.

Ok, so ignoring the fact that is was not a very good movie (putting it lightly), that was a pretty definitive ending. SPOILERS! Her physical body dies (it’s a shame that body is no more), Morgan Freeman has all the knowledge on a flash drive, and Lucy becomes God. Where do you even go from there?

I feel especially shameful, as the only Star Trek Series I’ve watched is Enterprise (yeah, the Scott Bakula one). I enjoyed it alright.

Didn’t he get turned into some sort of lizard monster thing and die?

So... for Surrogates, the middle ground is that movie studio’s are evil?

Nielsen’s rating are extremely outdated, so it’s actually difficult to figure out how many people are watching live tv stations, and I’d bet that Netflix is closer than they predict.

Personally, it’s working fine for me. Occasionally a bad guy will be unconscious in the fetal position upright floating in the air, and when I get in the batmobile the fps drags a bit, but it’s definitely playable for me. I’ve got a pretty beefy computer, but I can crank all the settings up to max and am still getting

I have zero faith in this rebirth. I will watch the premier purely as someone who is interested in seeing train wrecks.