Nick Foote

Watched it all, but holy crap is it slow. I never thought I’d say this, but there was too much character development and not enough of the main over-arching storyline.

I was thinking that Ubisoft saw Dying Light’s Old Town map and use of the grappling hook and saw that is was really fun.

I always love when I see one or both of the Ashmore brothers in something, and I haven’t really seen Luke Macfarlane in anything other than a Person of Interest episode, but he absolutely crushed it in that episode, so I’m glad I’m getting to see more of him.

Nope, you get nothing but the badge, which I assume is the only reason Valve is cool with the cheating, because there is nothing of value to gain from it. I think it’s interesting that Valve has essentially made a game that the community has come together to form a botnet in order to beat.

Winner: Sequels

It’s fun so far, but I wish they’d be better about constant patching that fixes 1 thing and breaks 2 things.

Darn, from the video I was kind of hoping you played as a dinosaur.

Why are all these E3 videos in 480p? I’m not going to be playing the game at 640x480, I want to see the nice graphics as well as the gameplay.

If it makes you feel any better, Batman isn’t Bruce Wayne in this, it’s Kirk Langstrom, who is normally the alter ego of Man-Bat. So he’s more bat/vampire than he is the gadget detective of Bruce. But yeah, he does look a bit odd.

A Tower PC for Your Less Than Legal Hobbies

I’m confused by your use of both “white” and “wight” seemingly interchangeably. Can someone explain?

Thankfully, at the rate we replace our mobile phones, those will actually be the easiest to get on IPv6, most users would not even notice the difference. While businesses with static IPs won’t want to switch over because they’d have a quite a few changes to make to their services and some of their older

I don’t mind that, the smile that goes all the way into the eyes is a bit odd though. I wonder if that middle section can pop off without taking the helmet off.

Wow! This trailer looks color graded. Why is this movie green? I thought green color grading means scifi? Since when is this scifi? If it weren’t for that orange wing suit, I would have thought this was filmed in black and white, but with a green filter over the lens, because there are no other colors.

This is really interesting, and a good movement, but damn those VISA and KIA ones are lazy.

The main problem I have is when my desk is in a place where there is heavy foot traffic going by it, and my back is to it. I feel like everyone going by is looking at my screen, and though I’m not doing anything wrong, occasionally I take a little break and browse websites for enjoyment (like Gizmodo). My last job I

I don’t think Lucas was focused on making good films though, he was focused on having characters that could be turned into action figures, and have spin-offs, and to merchandise the shit out of everything, because that is actually how he made all his money off the original trilogy.

Sometimes I wish companies would just release games when they finished, and not have to do all this promotional stuff years in advance. I’ve been seeing the most amazing concept car designs for decades and I never get angry that they don’t get put into production. I get it, sometimes the thing that works in a little