Nick Foote

But they had no problem having Deadshot in Arrow? I can see their point if they want to stop mentions of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, but Harley Quinn? She was originally created for a TV show.

In the Flash tv show, Joe and Iris West are black, and Wally West is her cousin. You know, the Wally West that widely known as being a Ginger? If they do have Wally West on the show at some point, it’s going to be weird.

I am not particularly fond of helping with personal computers, but if I like the person I’ll help them. The real trouble comes when my boss has a friend or client that needs help, and he makes me work on it for free during company time.

I was sad to see that the Russo brothers didn’t direct this episode. I guess they’re a bit busy these days.

Oh no... shitty motels and super sketchy “restaurants” in the middle of no where might not be around too much longer. The horror.

A full reboot!? No! They’ll lose all that rich back story of the characters! How could they?!

Even shooting himself in the balls is drastic. He could just declare “I will never have kids!” and then go get a vasectomy.

How about: The Flash (Everything We’ve Ever Wanted) and The Flash (They’re Going to Fuck This Up)

If this were any other show, those easter eggs would be just that, easter eggs. But this is The Flash, and easter eggs are really foreshadowing, and I don’t doubt for a second that they are going to eventually follow up on every one of them.

No, but generally we’ll know what stuff they can actually monitor and what they can’t. For instance I know that my company does not have sophisticated enough wifi or firewall to determine what websites I go to while my phone is on the wifi. Not that I’m doing nefarious stuff or anything, but if I’m going to Reddit or

The best one already came out in 1999.

Oh man, I never knew I needed it, but I want Hulk with a beard.

Well he would keep the eye mask and still have the cap. He is also taking a long vacation, which is a perfect time to grow some sweet facial hair.

That’s what I’m thinking/hoping. His suit is in police lockup now, so I’m thinking maybe he dons a brighter green outfit, goes by Green Arrow, and maybe doesn’t have a hood, but somehow they pull off the old feather cap thing... like he’s not really hiding his face as much.

Wow, I am really happy that Bradley Cooper is in this (even if it is small). It shows that there is confidence in the project, and that it’s not some unauthorized fanfic type show.

Lets just switch to base 12 numbers so we get more IP addresses. I’m sure that will be the easiest way.

This would be useful, last time I went in one, it was basically a store version of those mall phone kiosks. Sad really...

Don’t get me wrong, Skyline was a terrible movie, but the last minute of it basically teased an awesome action sequence that we only get freeze frame shot of as the credits roll. I probably would not have liked the movie anyways, but it would have gone a long way toward improving it if they had had him kicking ass in

It took them an absurdly long time to add environmental kills to this series. At least they are adding it now. Also, did they play Dying Light and then decide to add grappling hooks for climbing buildings? Because the second Dying Light map is straight out of AC, but the addition of a grappling hook make it really fun.

Sure, now we know that food is going into the prison cubes, but I didn’t see any toilets in there...