Nick Foote
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Somehow it’s even worse when it is used incorrectly.

“Have you ever been convicted of a crime?”

I pulled an amazingly cringeworthy move in one of my first interviews. I can’t believe how stupid I was.

eh... not sure how I feel about instant patching. I see bad patches seriously fuck up computers more often than I see not having patches come soon enough screw things up. As long as they are not skipping QoS steps in order to get it out faster.

I love automation, but I don’t like that as automation is increasing in the US, we don’t gain more free time, if anything we end up working longer and harder. So we think that with self-driving cars we can read a book or watch a movie while we are taken to our jobs, a more likely scenario is that we will begin working

Well he went out with style two episodes ago, this was kind of a weird re-send-off...

Especially since Wells/Reverse Flash is out there. I’m kind of surprised that Iris (or anyone else) hasn’t randomly come into STAR Labs and seen Barry as The Flash already...

I am so glad Iris confronted everyone about Barry being The Flash within the first few minutes of the episode. I’ve seen other shows drag out that phase for like half a season. I seem to remember at some point on Smallville, someone close to Clark found out he was The Blur, and kept the secret that they now knew his

Considering what happens in the last 2 minutes, my theory is that that hasn’t actually happened yet, and just when everything totally goes to shit for both sides, it’s going to snap back to Raina who’s seeing it in a dream and wakes up.

A couple months ago we had some issues with several Lenovo Carbons that were having BSODs once or twice a day that had to do with firmware problems. We sent them back multiple times to be fixed, and it wasn’t. This went on for 6 returns (for each computer) over the course of 2 months. We went back to getting Dells and

I don’t have time to read the explainations of each glitch right now, but it’s really odd, not knowing what things they are doing for a reason, and what they are doing just to kill time while characters talk.

I really liked that Carla was immediately fucking with Dinesh and Gilfoyle about how she was making more than them (but not really).

I’m confused, which side was meeting here? Or was it both (or all of them, I can’t even keep track)?

I know Reddit has a ton of users, but at a certain point they have to run out of people to push the button right? It doesn’t accept new accounts created after April 1st.

Probably because I don’t own an Xbox, and I’d really like to play games like Halo with a mouse and keyboard. Also, I don’t understand what you’re saying, are you pretty much just saying I should plug an xbox into a computer monitor? Because that’s not really the the same.

I’d take any of them, I’m still waiting to play any Halo game past Hal0 2 on PC.

I still don’t get why they are jumping to Batman vs Superman directly after Man of Steel. Both in terms of timeline structure (The Dark Knight Returns is supposed to be after the Justice League falls apart and things have fallen apart, not before) and in terms of movie planning. The major heroes need to have their own

How about they start with Xbox exclusive games ported to PC, and then see how it goes from there.

There is no way that Spartan isn’t already copyrighted, then again I’d bet Edge is copyrighted as well. Microsoft tends not to check on stuff like that before picking a name (see: Metro, SkyDrive, etc...) and then has to change it later.

The episode was great, it’s nice to see Skye kicking ass old school and with control of her powers. I am kind of hoping that after this season they shift focus of the bad guys being Hydra to fighting someone else, Hydra is becoming boring... In Cap 2 both Shield and Hydra were major operations that felt like they had