Nick Foote

At this point, they are not going to make money off of the OS itself, but they will make money if people have a legit copy, and end up buying things through the Store, or other things that they push with Windows 10. It's essentially turned into an OS with In-App Purchases, so why charge for the app in the first place

I knew it was going to be bad, I'm just sad Dinklage and Josh Gad god sucked into doing this movie. Sandler and Kevin James, yeah, I understand why they are in it...

It can't be, there is no way Spartan isn't already trademarked. That's not to say that Microsoft won't try to name it that. They've had at least two other recent incidences of having to rename products because they never checked to make sure they weren't already taken. The first being "Metro" in reference to the look

Unlike the show, Monopoly goes on forever and ever...

This is still my gaming group's go to RTS game. It came out in like 2006, and when we each have armies of 1,000 units, it still makes out beastly computers on a gigabit network chug and the game speed actually slows down to about 1/4 normal speed.

Just this week I moved from the East coast to the West coast, effectively giving me 3 hours, but I know I'm about to lose an hour, so I've still been getting up early and going to bed early (according to EST time essentially), so that when Daylight Savings kicks in, I will be gaining 2 hours instead of losing 1. It's

One of the biggest mistakes I see in jokes, and storytelling in general, is that people have no idea what random extraneous details to omit. It depends on your audience mainly, but if it's a joke involving technology, and you're telling it to your grandparents, you can probably leave out the fact that they were on

Didn't they also figure out that without any sense of daylight or looking at clocks, that humans naturally fall into a 28 hour day cycle? If anything this would help.

Obviously it would be great if this passes, but the thing I'm mainly looking forward to is all the clips of politicians awkwardly talking about it, and doing linguistic gymnastics to avoid saying "porn".

Do yourselves a favor and mute the audio if you're going to watch this. His narration gives no useful information on what he's doing from a technical standpoint, he sounds like he's reading the intro to a self realization book.

When Clancy Brown mentioned that he had a gorilla in that torture chair a week ago, I thought it was just a tiny little fan service thing, and was annoyed by it. Then it all came around when Gorilla Grodd now is getting vengeance on him. So pumped!

The fade out thing made sense when they were making it 50 years ago, because it is a dirt cheap visual effect, but Doctor Who has a giant budget now, and I think this type of style change would be awesome, and totally worth it.

With line of sight being a requirement now, it seems like they've banned drones, basically saying that your quad-copters can only be direct remote control, not autonomous drones.

I'm thinking it ends up that the West 7 are the ones sending him back in time, and are somehow the "good guys" in this timeline.

Speed Racer was quite pretty, and that whole movie is basically a chase scene. Does that count?

Surprisingly, not all bowling balls have skulls in them.

Just played it a crap-load today, and I highly recommend it for the co-op. I just joined in with random people, and ended up making two new friends. You've got to get a certain distance into the game to do co-op (it's not far) and you can't do the very last mission in co-op, but other than that, it can all be played

Lets be real here, if it's a TV show, then all the X-Men will be chosen purely based on how expensive it is to show them using their super power. So it's going to be mutants who are fighters, mind readers, and invisible...

When my friend told me that an upcoming villain would be Brick, I immediately said, "Oh, I hope they get Vinnie Jones, he'd be perfect." Low and behold, he was already cast. He is great as Brick.

Holy shit, I forgot how much I missed regular, fun comic heroes that are not "dark and gritty" until this TV show came along.