Nick Foote

Does no one see the part about how it starts as a dinky little program and it's still Tony that experiments and "bring it to life"? I"m thinking that the Chitari part of it is really just to make it so Tony finds and and tinkers because he's interested in the tech, it's really just a reason for Tony to start into the

I don't get a ton of interviews from my resume, but when I get as far as the interview, I've nailed every one I've ever had (the interview, not the interviewer) and been offered the job. I wouldn't say I have a "trick" or "game". I just have some good stories. What Andy said about having stories that fit multiple

As far as I know, the closest thing to a conspiracy that is possible, is that it was a non-North Korea hacker group, who suddenly got a shit-load of heat, and figured they'd put down bread crumbs to North Korea's doorstep. It's got to be that, or it was indeed NK.

This is could all one big advertisement for BitTorrent

Buffy is meant to be watched in 480p in 4:3, preferably on a tiny little CRT TV.

They says that they wanted it out "in time for the holidays". It came out on Nov 11. If it had come out on Dec 11, would it really have suffered that much in sales? It wouldn't have been on sale on Black Friday, and if people are going to get it for Christmas, anytime early December is totally fine. I don't understand

Well damn Jackie! I can't control the cosmic weather!

I wonder what would happen if you cut it with one of those high pressure water cutters. Assuming it would actually work on it, that'd be cool to see it react when it's all cut so quickly.

Wait, shit.... am I not replying to the Dale and Tucker Vs Evil comment?

I loved this movie even more because I knew absolutely nothing about it, and watched it on Netflix because of Alan Turducken, and it was so nice going into a good movie with no expectations and no spoilers from an over-revealing trailer.

I'd just like to let you know that we appreciate that you and many other news sources are not reporting stories using any of this data from ordinary employees (other than general statements and vague descriptions like this article).

It's all about cs_assault

The problem with this type of game that has been around forever, it means that the people who are mostly playing it, have been playing for a really long time, and are absurdly better than you or I.

The whole thing probably isn't because they'd never leak their own movies (the other information could literally just be made up, how do we know those leaked passwords and other data isn't fabricated?), but I can imagine this particular demand/threat might be coming from "inside the house", taking advantage of a

I saw it last week and I really liked it. If you like time travel stories, don't look into this any further and go see it. You'll see some of the twists coming, but you won't see all of them, and it's great.

I'm not sure why people are outraged by the outcome of this (people should be outraged that it was allowed to happen in the first place, but that's another thing entirely). How many Ghost Hunting shows find ghosts? How many Big Foot shows find Big Foot? How many Ancient Aliens shows find Aliens? None of them, and

...and then he had to go and marry that robot, Megan Fox.

It's probably because they burned their whole CG budget on the team-up episodes.

I've made a point to complain less over the past couple years. Especially about stuff that doesn't matter. Sure, air travel sucks, but when I land and my family asks how the flight was, I say it was fine, because even though the flight was slightly delayed and the seats were uncomfortable, that is hardly out of the

I wonder if her death in Fast and Furious (4 I think...?) counts, because it turns out she's alive in a later film.