Nick Foote

I agree. Maybe it didn't need to be 3, but it definitely needed to be more than 1. People who complain about it being in 3 parts never read the LotR trilogy, because they'd realize that Jackson had to cut a fuckton out even to make each movie 3+ hours. That meant no Tom Bombadil, no Saruman trying to take over the

I just don't get Jai Courtney. I've seen him in some action movies, and he is the most bland, boring actor ever. The only thing in which he even remotely had a "character" was Spartacus. I don't understand how he got this or Suicide Squad.

It would be where they store extra batteries.

All this hub-bub and I'm still waiting to play it on PC. I haven't broken yet. Must. Not. Break. And buy. A PS4. Just to. Play it.

I hope it ends up that we are Jack the Ripper, and the victims are actually targets. Come on Ubisoft, if you're going to pump out the same game twice a year, you have to bring something exciting and controversial into it.

I'm surprised Will Smith is willing to take a role that isn't clearly the lead, especially one that involves him covering part or his face.

I don't think the "online" part of this makes any difference. It's a publicly heard threat. He might as well have yelled it at her across the room while at a party (that was being broadcast live). If he'd done that he'd most certainly be in jail.

Holy shit, with the genetically modified dino, they've basically made a Jurassic Park/Deep Blue Sea mashup... I can't wait!

It's creeping me out to think that there are these bodiless Uki hai heads swimming around the deep sea.

He'd be absolutely perfect, but he's not a big enough star that Marvel would have him as the main character of a standalone Dr Strange movie. I feel like they would not risk it, they need a big name to bring in people to a weird movie (first one with just straight up magic, unlike Thor's "you call it science, but we

So... it is just me or is this show starting to show it's Sherlock structure? Mistress Payne is definitely Irene Addler, he's got that Moriarty guy already, and the cop lady is either Watson or Lestrade, and the creepy ME guy is also possibly the Watson of the show. Not quite sure how Abe fits into that mold though.

What's with being so late on this? Are you going to call this recap: Last Week on Last Week Tonight?

She was doing her best Megan Fox impression there for sure...

Yeah, this trailer looks like a ton of fun, but if it's anything like the previous 12 CoD games, which it most likely is, then I have no interest. Still though, really fun trailer, also I'm glad they are going with fun rather than the "emotional" trailer fad that seems to have taken over action games.

That being said, the scene where Barry saves Joe and gets hit, has some terrible CG of him and Joe falling to the ground in slow motion, but they are definitely using the VFX budget in the right places.

Ok, so just this season, Felicity has kissed Oliver, Barry, and will presumably have a thing with Palmer in the future. I'm starting to think that she just has chemistry with anyone. I see her (as an actress) going places.

Reminds me too much of Smallville with The Blur...

Oded Fehr would be amazing, but he just doesn't have the name recognition to pull in people that would otherwise be put off by a super hero marvel movie with a magic person in it instead of a more traditional super hero. If Dr Strange were a side character in someone else's movie it'd work, but as the star? I dunno...

I think the point they are making with Tony having so many different "buster" suits, even for allies, is that, like Batman, he's got a plan to deal with each one of them should be need to.