Nick Foote

In the three main fencing styles practiced, the average durations of a bout are not nearly long enough for you to afford doing fancy moves and flourishes. Sabre bouts usually last about 2-10 seconds, foil bouts maybe 45-90 seconds, and epee bouts somewhere between 60 and 120 seconds. Most of that time is waiting for

I dunno, I kind of figured there was a reason he has literally no lines as Colossus.

" word on whether people who purchased the game on Early Access will receive refunds."

Of all the tv shows I've seen, few have made me well up with tears like Futurama does.

I'm surprised it's being made, I thought we were collectively over Dan Brown books already.

I really, really hope they bring him in to play the Devil in the Constantine TV show. He was absolutely perfect. I think they could do it too, because Stormare is famous, but not too famous that they couldn't get him to do this role again for the show. He's been in plenty of movies, but he's still doing plenty of TV

Exactly, he knows what this stuff is, he's playing dumb so Rose has to explain it to him, and that explanation shows how absurd it is. Sure it can be done, by why would you share your med taking habits on facebook?

I'd really like Oded Fehr to play Doctor Strange, I think he looks perfect for it, though he's not nearly a big enough star to pull in the crowds needed for an odd character. Maybe they can get George Clooney...

The fact that one of it's arms is a toilet plunger is all the answer anyone needs for the question as to whether they are scary or not. Who in the hell thought that was a good idea for a supposedly unstoppable, merciless, killing machine? Literally anything else would have been better. I'd have taken a Dalek with a

I kind of doubt it, I think the actor they had play him has actually been cast as a character in the rebooted Fantastic Four. Maybe they'll get another actor to play him, or maybe they will get him back, but I think the fact that he's in F4 makes it a less more likely.

And there are two other sex scenes in addition to that.

That is however, an extremely rare occurrence. Even if stuff like that happened in every town, there is absolutely no need to be wearing camo. I know that is only aesthetic, but it shows that they are not the police here to protect us, they are armed forces here to fight an enemy: us.

Did Blizzard actually make this? Or did Blur Studios?

Definitely Futurama, it makes me laugh and it makes me cry, and I've rewatched them all nearly a dozen times.

The Dark Knight made my remember how nice it was just to have a main character be there without going through their entire origin. It's actually refreshing not to truly know where he came from, and not care because only the present matters. The key to beating him isn't some shit from his past, or his creation, it's

The banter between the turtles was better than I expected, and seems to fit their teenage personalities well, but every single time Megan Fox spoke it was the most painful thing I've ever heard. Her scene with Whoopi Goldberg is unbearable, and even though I really like Will Arnett and William Fichtner, I could not

Really? With the wide nose, large brow, and big lips, I can't see anything other than an exaggerated version of a black person's face. And what makes it really weird is that the mo-cap and voices are done by, basically, the whitest guys ever.

I can see why huge fans of the graphic novel would complain about not being faithful to the giant squid, but not only does it make more sense this way, but imagine how dumb it would be if a giant squid appeared in the middle of New York and exploded. The dog-panther is strange enough, but a giant squid would just be

What's with Michael Bay and making animated characters act or look like stereotypes (in this case black people)? Transformers was absurdly racist in it's caricatures that they called robots.

I have full confidence in Marvel to bring us great movies, and everything I hear from DC about their upcoming franchise makes me cringe because they seem to be doing all the wrong things, taking all the wrong lessons from other super hero movies. I hope they watched GotG carefully and adjust accordingly.