Nick Foote

Though is hasn't been confirmed, it's been widely speculated that it's the Mind Gem, which makes sense since he controls people's minds with it. At the time that Thanos gave Loki the scepter , he was going to get the Tesseract, but I don't think that was his final goal, but rather to conquer earth. He's definitely

They've already had two of them be blue (Tesseract and Loki's staff gem), I don't think they care much about which color goes with which name.

I'm not directly concerned about it infecting me personally, but the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit is in DC (where I am) all week. I'm not saying it's likely, but all it takes is some aide who got past the screening. The Summit it also causing huge travel congestion, so if it did hitch a ride on someone, the crowded

How could you forget him!?

Can you imagine if we took every single laughable claim seriously? The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, and until yesterday, he had not proven it. Now he has, and he's being taken seriously.

As someone who takes the subway/metro to work and is often underground with shit reception, I can't tell you how much I love the offline syncing feature.

Now playing

Agreed, the version with vocals is not nearly as good, and changes how the song feels entirely. I've been thinking that Sin City 2 could probably use this song for a trailer quite effectively, Borderlands 2 used it well for their anti-hero intro.

Ugh, I like the idea of using the accelerometer on the bed, but I use a wireless charger, so I would not be able to use both...

When I saw Max's car flip end over end, I could not help but think "Cars in a post apocalyptic world must have terrible safety features, and I bet there aren't even seatbelts in that thing. He's definitely going to be hurt."

I thought he solved all his problems by seducing them? I guess that isn't violence, unless it gets really rough in the bedroom.

You forgot about the episodes where The Doctor wins the day through love or some bullshit like that. I feel like those have been really abundant in the latest season or so.

It kinda looks like it's doing what 300 Rise of an Empire did as far as timeline, which is basically having the sequel chronologically all around the original story, before, during, and after. I'm not sure about this, but I'd bet most of the Jessica Alba/Rourch stuff is after the first movie in the timeline, seeing as

The music they had in the Sin City 1 trailers was so absolutely perfect that they will never be able to get a song that fits so well a second time. I wish they had tried a little harder though...

I kind of wish this movie would exist so we can watch it in a retrospectively bad tpye of enjoyment, but it probably would have set superhero movies back substantially, as far as the public being receptive to it. So it's for the better.

My email is, I've had it for a long time, and before Google changed their policy, someone else had and we would get each other's email occasionally. I still have my email, so maybe the other guy got his taken away, I'm not sure.

If you're on a mobility scooter, you're generally on all day, you're not going to ride a segway around the office and through the grocery store (unless you are a giant tool). A segway functions more like a bike, except you don't want to lock it up outside because it's way too expensive to risk it being taken. Only

"if you ingest two balls separately"

From a technical standpoint, they are really cool, but in a practical sense they are unwieldy to park/store once you get to the location you're riding it to, and unless there is major infrastructure change, it's just not going to fit in.

I dunno, I don't see that as too different than upper management promising something that the lower employees are actually going to be doing. (What do you think an Executive Producer does?) The bigger red flag for me is that the only qualification of the 3rd party developers is being friends with them and it was going

People don't seem to realize that they aren't pre-ordering a game, they are investors, and investments fail all the time. You have to be smart about which ones you pick.