Nick Foote

And thus the price for all future graphing calculators was set, never to be changed again.

Gates was a ruthless businessman too, but at least Gates was one of the major technical brains behind the start of Microsoft. Sure Jobs had ideas, but it is sort of stupid the same way patents are, your invention doesn't have to work for you to patent it. Jobs thought things up, but Woz had to figure out how to make

You know... I think that cocaine might have had something to do with that insomnia. Just a guess though.

I live in an older brick house, that was tiny, and had a small addition put on it. So there is an exterior brick wall running down the center of the house that wifi can barely penetrate. I've got wifi access points on with sides, but it's still shit reception, so for my main desktop I still run wired (because why not,

I would have liked less rock anthem and more NDT actually speaking instead of just giving a "I am the badass up in here" look to the camera every couple of shots. Still excited though, I just wanted to hear his soothing voice.

Well, instead of doing the mid-season break thing, they just call it the end of the series and then there is another series later that year, which makes sense to me, and explains how Top Gear is on like season 20 even though it's being running (in it's newest iteration) for something like 6-7 years. Sherlock just

Damn! Why didn't we think of looking for Carmen Sandiego in San Diego? It's so obvious now!

Well that got pretty existential near the end...

I know, and that's what the coating feels like, very fine sandpaper. I still wouldn't want to use it as toilet paper.

Yeah, that is some shit green screening there, look at the edges. Did they make someone manually rotoscope the edge, but give them a limit on the amount of line segments they could use?

Well, you die, which Jesus did, but they actually burn you at the stake for practicing witchcraft.

I sprayed a lighter colored hat of mine, and given the freakishly sudden rainstorms I'm getting in my area this time of year, it's nice to have a waterproof hat acting as a mini-umbrella when I'm caught off guard.

The coating also makes it feel kind of rough, so imagine wiping your ass with 600 grit sandpaper.

Not sure, but you'd probably die like Jesus.

When I was testing chocolate sauce and other liquids on a piece of wood, I found that soap is not affected by the liquid repelling magic and will in fact stick to it. Paintballs aren't actually paint, but are basically colored soap, so I imagine it would not work the way you'd want it to.

I know they say good for leather, and technically it does work, but I think they mean the rough suede looking stuff, not the smooth variety that shoes and bags are made of. I tested it on some older leather shoes and it looks horrendous (even though it did work). So whatever you plan on spraying, please for the love

I don't know what's up with the infinite scrolling, but Network Solutions (a major DNS provider) has been under a DDOS attack for a few hours now, so I imagine that might have something to do with the site not loading sometimes, and general internet issues across many websites.

They just can't help but dig that grave deeper, even when they've already had dirt piled on top of them.

When I was a stupid little kid, and played the board game with my family, I'd always guess she was in San Diego (which is where I grew up). I didn't understand why no one else would guess it; it's right in her name.

Although Titanium is listed on the table of elements and steel is not, the Titanium that we use and call Titanium is an alloy as well; same with Aluminum. Without adding Carbon and other things, both are practically useless (unless you're making a tool like 500 years ago and can't do any better).