Nick Foote

Straight up metals are practically useless before they have other elements added to make alloys. In that case, Titanium is actually overhyped as being a supermetal; it's in between aluminum and steel. It's nearly as light as aluminum, and nearly as hard as steel, though it doesn't rust, isn't magnetic, is biologically

Why in the world would you bet on a scripted competition? I can see making a bet with your friend for who has to get up to get the beers, but putting any real money on it would be stupid. Partly because you can't figure out odds, and partly because it is too easy to know the results ahead of times because they are

This is great advise. I'm a tier 1 IT technician, and we started hiring more people about a year after I initially started, and the managers wanted as many tier 1 and 2s to be part of the interviews as possible since we'd be working with them. We were largely disappointed, because everyone just gave us yes/no answers

I don't mind playing shitty games, as long as it's with friends and we can bitch about it and suffer together.

This looks really cool, I don't know if it will be good, but I'm glad they're trying something out of the ordinary.

I miss degaussing a fat CRT monitor; my god that was satisfying.

Oh good, for a second I thought you were talking about Gambon Corner.

I'm making a robot and using python to program it (which I'm also teaching myself as I go), and so far, I've been using Raspberry Pi. I think I'm going to need more GPIO pins though, and so I got a Beagle Bone Black, but have yet to touch it. My concern is that there will be less support/help for it since it isn't as

But it can "go down" due to a car crashing into it or some other accident like a fire, and with that long line, it's possible for them to run out of the game you want. Steam can't run out of a copy of a game.

I never really understood why they primarily made games for consoles, it always seemed to me that their most enthusiastic fans were in the PC community. They always make tons of mods, even when it's not for the most recent sequel. It's not even like they've done particularly great ports, the controls are always fairly

Is this game only for phones? No way they could put this out for consoles or pc with it looking that rough around the edges, it looks like phone/tablet level graphics engine quality.

Just in the trailers and clips, I've seen so many painfully wrong physics errors. This is probably one of the worst ones. Thanks for all the calculations, nice work.

Ha, no worries. I was picturing someone in a tracksuit and sweatbands typing furiously on an old typewriter, trying to break a record.

I guess I'm still not quite understanding what your idea is. Are you saying that they should make the molding press parts out of aluminum with a cnc? I'm not sure how well aluminium would do as a mold, the material that you're molding would have to be softer than the material the mold is made of. That's part of my

Well, they wouldn't make the original mold making part out of a solid block of aluminum, probably plastic, or maybe a higher density wax or foam.

I totally agree with you, but it's really bugging me that you said "pro typing" instead of "prototyping", as in making a single or few prototype version of a design to test it.

I was wondering why some music videos had nudity in them now, since that limited the audience as it can't be played on tv. Then I remembered that MTV doesn't show music videos anyways, so fuck it, they can do as much nudity as they want.

I think it's to convey that the people who have survived to this point are a bit insane, unpredictable, and dangerous.

I've had an android phone and tablet for about two years now, and I honestly don't play any games on them. I only have one or two games even installed at this point, I just gave up because I didn't find any of the games fun to play. They either had a horrible interface and controls that made it unplayable, too many

Macbooks are overpriced and overrated, except in one key area: the trackpad.