Nick Foote

Now I can't think of anything other than calling the new boss the XBoss.

Well, I think he means that they should put a person involved with the actual production in charge, rather than moving over a CEO figure to manage it. That way the decisions will be based on more than just the bottom line.

I know I should just ignore it, and I won't hold it against the movie as a whole, but the mechanical engineer in me twitches whenever I see little things like this in movies (and it happens all the fucking time, trust me).

Apple is a little over-enthusiastic about replacing parts. I am very tech savvy, but I obviously can't get my hands on the right macbook parts on my own, so I sent one in for repairs of the logic board(s) and they ended up replacing damn near the entire thing. I'm pretty sure it didn't need it, but they did it

That works with a human hand, because the quarters are made of metals that are denser than the bones and flesh in your hand. When you add more mass to an object in motion, it's force is increased. Those shipping containers aren't solid on the inside, and in all likelihood, their contents is not as dense as the steel

The whole point of picking up an object to hit your opponent with, is that the object is denser than your own fists. Those shipping containers crumpled with no effort at all. It'd be like picking up a handful of sponges to hit your opponent with.

I love Charlie Day when he's acting all neurotic and out of his mind, he does that perfectly, but that "classified" line was really cheesey.

I'm glad they finally made it so you can get rid of dead bodies. When it was in Alpha 9 (or maybe it was 8), my Warden got shanked in his office and I could not move him out. The janitor just came by every couple of hours to clean up the continually pooling blood. And because it was the Warden, and couldn't get

Kind of seems like it's Punisher mixed with Person of Interest. Can't wait to play it.

The chart doesn't seem to reflect geek vs nerd, but rather, geek/nerd vs geek/nerd still in college. Look how many of the nerd entries refer to school related things.

The best advise I can give for doing well in a presentation is: Know what you're talking about.

We all know and love Office Space now, but when it premiered, it did terribly.

If you're on a Spy binge, Burn Notice is pretty good. It's gotten a bit repetitive in its later seasons, but its basically the story of a spy who is ditched by his agency in the middle of a mission and is dumped in Miami, where he's got some friends, and so he becomes a bodyguard/fixer for average schmoes who need his

I get that it's gotten a little absurd, but during takeoff and landing, telling everyone to turn off electronics (mainly because most people don't know how to turn off every signal I/O on every device) is kind of like the equivalent of telling your passengers to shut up for 45 seconds so that you can concentrate on

The machine centric ones are definitely the best, but I think the more procedural episodes are still really great. They are great for a totally different reason, because they're basically a superhero show. Ever since early in season 1, I've been convinced that John and Fitch are, for the most part, Batman split into

Graham: "I agree with you, we need more evidence. You know, other than the evidence you just showed me that disproves my point."

So wait, taxing video games for being violent is ok, but taxing actual firearms is totally off the table?

I just finished rewatching all of That 70's Show over the past couple of months, and it is impossible for me to see Kutcher as anything other than Kelso. He was great as Kelso, so great that I'm not entirely sure that he was acting, and that's what he was really like back then. That scares me.

I think the Joss Whedon Premature Cancellation Curse rubbed off on her. Except The Cape, that needed to be canceled sooner.

It's still in it's early stages (I hope), but already Person of Interest is turning into a really great story about a potential machine consciousness.