Nick Foote

Exactly. Ender's Game gets nearly all of the acclaim, but the parts with Jane were my favorite to read.

I know it's not necessarily only OEM cables that work, but I've probably got 30 USB-A to USB-Micro cables or varying length and original use, and the only one's I've found to consistently work, are ones that either came with the Palm charger, or came with my Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7, or old Droid X. The ones I have that

I'm not sure what the logic behind it is, but two years ago I determined that somehow, the only flash drives that were 3.0 at the time, were horribly ugly. Why would that be? Anyways, I'm glad they look decent now.

Well, for one, you don't need to pay for a subscription to play online, only to buy the game in the first place. Also, if Steam servers go offline, you're still able to play multiplayer if the servers aren't hosted by Valve (which would everything other than like, TF2, CS:GO, and I guess Dota 2). They've started to

I did this to mine, and I put in some extra magnets, and it's great for my car. I don't have to jam it in some holder that will bend the usb port.

I did this to my Galaxy Nexus a couple of months ago, and I'm fairly happy with it. There are some things that are rather picky about it. It needs an OEM power to usb plug, an OEM cable, the phone needs a kernel with USB Fast Charging (Franco kernel works), and sometimes you just need to unplug everything, and pop

I've been rewatching the Justice League series, and one thing that really bugs me about it, and they seem to have dealt with in this movie, is the total disregard for consistency in regards to Superman's power.

So, will The Last of Us be on PS4? Or any of these other amazing exclusives? I'm thinking I'll get a PS4, but it's not backward compatible, and I'm certainly not going to buy the older model to play a (by that time) 6 month old game.

They actually had a Commander Mode in BF2 and BF2142, and it was really fun. Of course if the Commander is doing a poor job, it's less fun, but that's why you were allowed to kick him out of that position with a certain number of votes.

Careful with the Leatherman Micra (and all of them), it's been around for a long time, and I had one when I was 10 (gift from Uncle), and I was being stupid and trying to cut the core out of an apple but leave the rest. Anyways, I ended up cutting clear through the apple, it's core, and into my palm. Luckily, I missed

Well, selecting my hometown of San Diego, CA and seeing it's result, all I can say is: no shit. Turns out we're fairly similar to LA and the rest of the West coast. The only slightly surprising thing is that we are somewhat more similar to Colorado than I would have thought.

Yeah, well I don't see any other scientists with a car company named after them. Take that Edison!

I was super pissed until I realized he was kidding. Tesla was a god among men, and it's too bad that his genius came at the price of being awkward in person, which was off-putting for business, and he wasn't able to get adequate funding for many of his ideas.

Glad to see Toby Ziegler back where he belongs.

You know, I thought Captain America was a little too stylized during the montage of fuck Hydra bases, with the exaggeratedly enormous tanks and other oddly proportioned set pieces. Turns out that shit exists... along with the bomb planes.

So, has anyone ruled out the Doctor regenerating into David Tennant again?

Neil Degrasse Tyson will be his companion!


I work for a smaller IT consulting firm that I love now, but I've also been fortunate with previous jobs to have a great corporate culture. For me, all of those things are difficult to figure out before the interview (especially if it's a smaller place, because they usually like to seem larger than they are to

Phantom Menace. To be fair, I was 10 at the time and would have enjoyed one of those channels from Idiocracy, and my friends didn't convince me until several years later, when we all came to our senses.