Nick Foote

I need the power plug to be on the left side.

I know there are large differences, but I think Person of Interest actually fits a lot of the requirements to be a Batman tv show. John is basically a ninja, evading police while working with a few of them in secret, Harold is really wealthy and does things like buying entire companies to help with a case, bad people

So, does Miranda played by Yvonne Strakjhsdfj not count because she was more than just a cameo?

I just saw McAvoy on Top Gear with a beard, and I for one cannot wait for him to play either the son, or a younger version of Gerard Butler's character in something. He's a dead ringer.

I don't know about multitasking productivity, but I work in IT and for it, it's invaluable to be troubleshooting a machine I'm remoting into on one screen and have Google open on the other, searching for a solutions. That's just one example, but I would die if I had to use just one monitor all the time.

I didn't yawn during the video, but I think that is because I started imagining they were screaming instead and it made me chuckle through the rest of the video.

I love chiptunes, but frankly most of the ones I've heard are not all that great. However, a very talented friend of mine made this 6 song album and totally blew me away. He composed it all on an OG Game Boy. I didn't even know he was musically inclined; he didn't mention it at the LAN parties when he was kicking my

Yeah, I'd like to see how many states LA and NY get divided up into, but they are pretty hard to see when their labels cover up so much.

Vote: Hiren's Boot Disk

That is how I want to play a Crysis game. I want to be Schwarzenegger in a decked out Spartan suit on a playground of squishy bad guys with the arsenal of the entire military just for me. Crysis 1 got this, but they took themselves too seriously in Crysis 2, so I hope this means they're going back to their roots.

Luckily, nearly everything I loved about Crysis 1, were things that were done better in Far Cry 3 (except the total destruction physics, sadly). The ability to circle around the encampment to find the best side to attack on, being able to use stealth to pick people off one by one and never set off alarms, or loading a

Crysis 2 was beautiful, but I missed the openness of Crysis 1. The alien part in the last 2/3 of the game sucked, but hunting the Korean soldiers down as I went along the beach and through the jungle was great fun. Crysis 2 was far too linear, I don't think the city is as good a place for it.

It might be a bit too recent of history, but I think a great setting would be Berlin in the beginning of the Cold War. Maybe this would be Desmond's grandfather.

You guys have a lot for admiration for the show and have adopted it as a scifi show, Person of Interest, and it's basically Batman. Except instead of inner monologue to explain things for a single person perspective, they split Batman into Reese and Fitch so they can talk to each other.

Was your friend named Adrian Veidt? And was his password Rameses II?

I like Matt Bomer, but he doesn't sound quite right for superman. I really liked Mark Valley as Supes in Dark Knight Returns, I hope they get him for more things.

I got a Raspberry Pi, and was looking into maybe making a carputer with it, and then I saw this project about a week ago and was like, "Well, shit, that looks like it would be way easier. I don't need to get GPS working, a screen, battery power switching when the car turns off, a good nav program, and a not-horrible

I find it really hard to think of any "addiction" without any actual chemical input from said addiction (brain releasing endorphins doesn't count). If it's just an activity that you really like, it seems like it's either more of a compulsion (for extreme cases), or they're just bored and like doing that activity.

I've noticed with animation, that one very telling hint to it's overall quality is the background detail. In that trailer, I don't think I saw one detailed background, it was either dark shadows, or billowing dust. Looks like they spent all their time modeling the marines and animating awkward fighting moves, while

Great... just when I learn that rinsing with warm water makes it so that food doesn't taste like shit afterward, now I'm not supposed to rinse at all.