Nick Foote

Did actual Blizzard staff make that cinematic? Or did they have someone like Blur do it for them?

Do you check you're own grammar?

I imagine if I had it on a tablet I might find the fullscreen apps tolerable, but I'm the type to have a video playing in vlc or streaming through Plex while working on other stuff, and if I have it as a win8 app pushed to the side, the video ends up being extremely tiny. I'd rather set it to be always on top and take

Frankly, an S just isn't meant to be inscribed in a diamond.

Wow, I could watch another two hours of just FX breakdowns. I love that type of thing.


Nice, I like it. It's part Half-Life/Portal, part District 9, and just a smidge of Primer feel at the beginning. Also, lens flares everywhere.

Ok, am I going nuts or was that Parker from Leverage as the blonde hallucination? She looks a little bit older, yet still... It seems like her.

Yeah, but I bet that because of that you didn't even notice he had a fucking crow on his head. That's how Johnny Depp rolls.

So, are they going to try to keep up the whole "mild mannered alter ego" where Louis Lane doesn't recognize him even though they work together, or are they scrapping that plot point?

I was saying Desmond's dad would have to be the Cold War star, since he could be young enough at that time. I know Desmond is more or less "American" or some kind of European that has an American accent, but they can't stay in America, so take the Americans out to see the world as much as possible.

Also, it might have to be Desmond's dad playing the part since it's so recent, but during the Berlin crisis(in Berlin of course) would be another good setting. City-scape, fighting factions, but not all out war, an oppressed third party to help and be helped by, and a reason to be stealthy.

I've got no major complaints other than admin tools. When it first came out, I was part of a group that got a server, and having previously rented other servers for CS:S, BF2, BF:BC2, and others, I expected a lot more options for disabling weapons/tools (not that I was going to), custom rules, anti-spawn camp zones,

It's fair to say that since Inception, the BRAAAM has become more common, but it's not exactly new to the cinema world to have deep bassy sounds to indicate epic-ness or dramatic importance.

Yeah, I think the 1920's around prohibition would be great. You've got two conflicting factions (corrupt police and gangsters) that you won't have any qualms about killing, tall buildings to climb around, and famous people you can help or murder.

That's why I hope at some point it gets to some east coast city (NY, Boston, etc...) during the 20's.

Seriously. Sure, the little tutorial box can get annoying for the 3 seconds it goes up, but it's a minimal and the shortest possible way to write what your objective is. It's not intrusive, it a basic game necessity.

Yeah... I just started working around a bunch of actual Russian guys, and it's really apparent that it's fake.

Will we also need to watch this movie 12 times and read several dense charts before we get what's going on? If so, count me in, I loved Primer (all 12 times).

Well shit... he's better at walking on two legs that I am.