Hey babe don’t forget the preparation h Alexa send text
The Aristocrats!
The weirdest thing to me about having a beautiful wife isn’t the (expected) weirdness from men around me, but the unsolicited comments on my wife’s beauty from other women.
“Your wife is so beautiful!”
“Uhh. . . thanks??”
Head: “Hey, Papa John’s pizza!”
Imagine being an adult and being mad that you didn’t get an Ezekiel Elliot autograph at a fantasy football convention.
This is the best one.
Director of Internet Content for Sinclair Broadcasting.
I don’t even read The Onion, but at least I know this one:
Even Tesla was probably, like, “Iconic?”
Any team that resorts to playing Fellaini deserves only the worst.
Also is it just me or does it seem like every four years, the world realizes that Japan can fucking play? The fact that were somehow ranked 61st on Earth is an utter joke
As a kings fan you still had hope until yesterday?
I am a huge fan of the “take a player off each extra time period”. I am even willing to give each team an additional sub for each period to help with fatigue (which I assume is one of the major factors preventing this approach in the earlier rounds of the knockout phase, but it should at least be adopted for the…
If you pay for less than full service, well that's what you're getting.
I'd rather the fuckface that bites people and has the most fragile skull that results in him writhing on the pitch for even the most incidental torso contact get eliminated.
Can we PLEASE.......STOP. CALLING. PLAYING. VIDEO. GAMES........ “Sports”
Love Lovett.
Get the fuck outta here with all your logic and stuff. No one wants to admit that our country is basically run by the 15% at each end - far right fascist/racists and far left socialist/racists. Every cocksucker with a microphone seems to think they need to pander to their 15%. Steve Kerr and Roger Goodell, I’m looking…
The majority of people upset over the “disrespect” shown by not standing for the anthem also proudly fly the Confederate flag next to the Stars and Stripes.... So let’s grade their anger on the idiotic curve it deserves.
Brent Bozell is a lying grifter and can get fucked.