
Or, how about they just not have a season until there isn’t a fucking deadly pandemic.

White women on her burner account is desperate to deflect away from their racism. Shockingly it gets upvoted as well by the other white women who are majority here. 

Black men know all too well how many white women will fetishise them instantly about their penis. Whilst many white women will discriminate against black men as long term partners many will also have fetishes about BM due to supposed vitality and size.  

Yeah, this is where I remind people that, as someone on the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum and depression, we need to stop putting racism in the “mentally-ill” bag. Nobody’s objecting to mental illness here. They’re objecting to Ms. Cooper’s racism. And while there can be overlap between racist beliefs

I bought it on a friend’s suggestion and it is easily the worst cookbook I’ve over owned. It sadly perpetuates the myth that vegan food has to be underseasoned and bland. But they swear in it (how edgy!), so that’s all white people needed to fall over themselves for it.

Every time I read another one of these I feel like some dude out there is saying to himself ‘and that’s why women shouldn’t run shit.’

If the book or movie “The Help” were to be turned into real life, The Wing would be what I imagine it would turn to.

This article exemplifies everything I’ve experienced with white feminism for the better part of 30 years. 

Yeah - that’s the textbook definition of a caucasian person.  I just think that in America what flies as “white” vs “non-white” is less geographically based and more about phenotypical features.  Persians are caucasians by location - but whether they identify / are viewed as white / non white is basically down to

In *America if you’re a POC vs Caucasian or not really depends on how dark your skin, your hair is and what your hair texture looks like (this is very different from other parts of the world where “middle eastern” is considered a sub-group like “asian”). If you’re a fair skinned with wavy / straight hair you most

Persians aren’t Arab.  Middle Eastern sure, but Arab is a separate ethnicity from Persian/Iranian.

It’s certainly a way of saying there are chefs and there are cooks. Guess which group is disproportionately represented by which? Of course, when the chefs want inspiration, they hit the street vendors and appropriate a little something, without credit. One of my pet peeves is cooking, and home decorating shows, that

Persians are caucasians right?

Condé Nast has been known for this forever. But the Ivy League really isn’t that white when compared to top liberal arts or public universities.

That article is really telling. What I read in that article is that chefs who aren’t white can’t succeed with a restaurant based on classic American or “white” cuisine because they’re ultimately not considered American.

Ironically, much of the food considered “American” was invented by enslaved people stolen from

I’m not even that plugged in (I have a couple of friends who work in theater) and I don’t think I’ve ever heard a kind word spoken about her. I remember when Glee was on, there were all kinds of blind items about her racism and general nastiness.

Literally- how many random American Idols are brought in for a spell to boost sales for a month on Broadway.

Lea Michele started as a child performer and her acting style has never matured.

Started watching  re-runs of Rhoda last year to actually have an opinion on this infamous storyline and I ended up appreciating it  too. I never really warmed to Joe and considering how quickly the two were married, I thought it was a fairly refreshing and  appropriate outcome. It will always suck how the show wasn't

IN the UK, in the 70s, we had 'Rhoda' but we never had the 'Mary Tyler Moore Show' so we could never quite understand why this perpetually grinning bobblehead kept on turning up on a Jewish comedy show. Then 'Ordinary People' came out and people kept asking: 'How could Rhoda possibly have been friends with this awful