
Actually, condom is not bad compared to the taste of dick. And for me, I stop noticing the condom taste pretty quickly. I have never stopped noticing dick taste. Plus, it seems to have the added bonus that they don't ask for more when I stop.

Surely the last thing you'd want to do is have sex without a condom with the sort of person who requested that no condom be used during a one-night stand.

A lot of the "i can't believe you're that old" stuff, especially from younger people, has to do with preconceptions. I remember when I turned 40, that word had power. All through my 30s, people in their mid 20s thru 30s wouldn't bat an eye when I said I was 35, 37, even 39. As long as there was a "30" in there, it was

people who think they look dramatically younger (i'm talking 10+ years) than their age are, bar none, delusional. i can almost always tell, within about 5 years, how old someone is— and (surprise!) age shows in more ways than just wrinkles. take great care of yourself and yeah, you'll probably age well and look

I was supposed to go for a drink with an allegedly feminist man next week. Then I saw photos and videos of him wearing a wedding ring. I emailed to ask if he was divorced. Behold his epic CEFAD reply:

So incredibly skeevy!