Hi Jay, and team Root
Hi Jay, and team Root
That and losing the sponsor who was providing the ads you were autoplaying. G/O Media, really hitting it out of the park* out here.
$20k can buy a lot of coke, my dude.
I don’t give a shit about sports but I’d read great articles on Deadspin constantly. I don’t give a shit about cars, but I was frequently exposed to great reads on Jalopnik because the sites are all connected. I’m not black but I’ve read some amazing content on The Root. I can only assume other readers are like me,…
I don’t follow sport either but I still enjoy Why Your Team Sucks every year.
I like, like, 2 basketball teams and no other sports. I read Deadspin DAILY, all year. I don’t want them to stick to sports, and I’m mad, and sad, and I still miss Gawker, and this sucks.
These are extremely good dogs, Tom. Thank you.
I don’t really have anything to add - just trying to drive up visitor metrics and site interactions for these Stick to Sprotz stories.
And you can’t mustard a SINGLE yard.
MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.
That sounds exactly like how a Docker container would work. They have a “template” for the container and they can replicate it as much as they want. They don’t store any changes made to the world on their side so when the container is not needed any more, they just flush it. When you log back again, only the stuff…
What insurance do you take? I have something called COBRA and all it covers is aspirin.
Well I think they consider themselves pimps, and I bet pimps don’t like people thinking they are hos. I have a lot more respect for prostitutes than these shifty assholes though.
I’m certain Kanye has seen _a light_ -> have you ever gotten hit in the head with a baseball, a 2x4, or slammed your head on the concrete? Did you get that brief flash of light? I’ve seen that light a few times.
It is safer, it is smarter, it is right to be wary of all in uniform. To be suspicious of all in uniform. To consider all in uniform to be bad apples. This doesn’t mean that they’re bad people; just that, as long as they’re in uniform, as long as they possess the power and privilege to shoot and kill us, as long as…
As someone with a learning disability, I find some comfort in this comment in that I was not the only one struggling to follow along. Reading this article made me feel like I was on a bus, riding on a crappy road, hitting potholes.
Look guys, I’m not gonna defend Norm on this one, but just... just come right out and actually criticise him, okay? Just say that he said some dumb shit if that’s what you want to say. You really don’t have to smother everything in layers of knowing snark and eye-rolling irony to the point where it’s incomprehensible.
To be fair, Hughes wanted to take this occasion to showcase a character of his we’ve sadly been acquainted with for the past few years, “Blogger Who’s Nowhere Near As Clever As He Thinks He Is, And Would Really Just Be Better Off Covering Entertainment News In A More Straightforward Fashion”.