It all sounds like fun until someone hands you a huge basket of peaches!
It all sounds like fun until someone hands you a huge basket of peaches!
Trump ... doesn’t actually know what “impeachment” means, does he?
Guys, I finally got ahead of the President’s schedule enough to start the process of hiring somebody to photograph/video the back and sides of tRump’s latest Nuremberg Rally in Minneapolis. Currently, he’s trying to stick the city with over $500,000 in security and traffic expenses, which is not going over well in…
Pssst it’s the message before “call me” that's of concern, dipshit.
Give me a star if when you read “beep in mind” you also looked down to assess the distance between the b and k keys.
I’m going to keep lobbying for it, but as long as my editors keep shooting me down and threatening to fire me if I bring it up again, I don’t like our chances.
As someone whose mother was a Holocaust survivor who lost 11 members of her immediate family — and never forgave or forgot for one second — my feeling is that only the actual victims have the right to forgive. And they can’t, because they were murdered. Nobody has the right to forgive on their behalf.
“You convict on murder and give fewer years than someone selling weed gets?”
The best part is both of them have done a good job of naming additional witnesses. "You should look at what Mike Pence says!" Gee, thanks, I wasn't before but will now....
Something about his shape and the color of the uniform makes the the Western Union logo look like the McDonald’s arches when you scroll through quickly.
I’m also now convinced that in a better timeline McDonald’s sponsors the Nuggets.
The damage that the belief in American exceptionalism has done abroad is huge. The damage it has done domestically is incalculable: the steadfast faith that it can’t happen here is fueled by many decades of propaganda shouting “keep the world safe for democracy!”.
Hello, Starbucks IT department? How do I block a particular email?
She didn’t accidentally draw a gun and shoot a man without zero assesment of the situation. She then didn’t accidentally stand around while he bled out. If she had walked in that apartment and saw a white face no one would have gotten shot. She’d have apologized for her mistake and left. Fuck her and fuck you to.
“Possibly you’re happy to see Vengeance done, not Justice?”
you do it because you think you can
She shot first and asked questions later. Tell me, if a black man had busted into the wrong apartment and shot a white woman before even trying to figure out why the apartment DIDN’T have his OWN stuff in it, and then failed to render aid even though he was trained how to do so, would you be defending him to this…
Hey! Glad to see the cop-apologist here.
I feel so fucking represented by your brightness settings.
I believe the saying is, “Fool me 13 times.............................I won’t get fooled again.”