
There he is girls, the leader of the plaque!

Bats keep on swimming, swimming, swimming....

If that’s not Hebrew for “Hold My Beer”, I don’t want to live here anymore.

I must have been hard to hold back for so long...

Strange women lying about in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

You’re gonna want need to sit down for this one!

I fail to find the faintest fallacy here. (Alliteration completely intentional)

Look at you, being all fancy with your “pants”. 

Same with the bonus that it didn’t start moving until I was under the car playing mechanic. Fortunately it was parked in the yard and the ground was soft. I only ended up breaking my clavicle and 13 ribs. 

Though I do have a crush on Paja-Mei

And you know, historically, Greenland was always a part or America.

True. I don’t think Mr. Jackson has seen a script he would turn down. Eddie seems to be a bit more selective as a whole (sit down Pluto Nash), and he’s usually the main draw in the movies that he makes. 

Mr Jackson’s doing alright, though.

I don’t think he’s looking hard enough.

I just took Michael at his word, and didn’t read the wall-o-text either.

Point of Order:

“Ice one!”

See also Sears. Our current Treasury Secretary (go figure) was a huge part of the collapse of both Sears and K-Mart. They eventual sold the big ticket items off (Craftsman brand in particular, which is why they’re available at Home Depot or Lowes now) for profit and dumped the carcass.