Science teacher at a fundamentalist Christian school?
Science teacher at a fundamentalist Christian school?
You know Zaya is 100% a Black girl, because if she wasn't the Boosie's of the world wouldn’t be taking the time to harrass her on some bullshit.
What exactly are Bungie’s development teams making? The company has 600 employees, I’m assuming a few of those hundreds are involved in making the game. What exactly do these hundreds of people do?
Finally, clothes that are perfect for playing and enjoying video games. Why has no one thought of a tshirt and sweatpants before?
Pedantically, however, they are not. And petty pedantry was the purpose of my post (unintentional alliteration)
You can’t believe it because you’re privileged enough not to have to deal with the actual issues that the people who are made to wear these sorts of uniforms in real life have to deal with, and you’re also not empathetic enough to understand the perspective of another fellow human being, and how such a thing might…
“It’s an engineering triumph the same way that a machine that can instantly cover a corn dog in 24K rose gold would be: technically impressive, but a fundamentally stupid and useless way to shout how rich you are.”
Every day Jason finds a new and impressive way to make me incredibly proud to work with him. I adore this…
Jackson says in interviews he can’t imagine why actors wouldn’t want to act, which is why he takes so many dodgy scripts. Even in bad films, you know Jackson will be entertaining, so he’s got that going for him. Not even Murphy’s talent can save a good many movies he stars in, but there’s not a bad movie out there…
Nah. I’ll give him Pulp Fiction but be real, even that movie had a ton of heavy hitters in it. Eddie shows up on screen and you know with very few exceptions (Tower Heist, and even then) that he’s what you’re there to see. How many SLJ movies can you say that about? Snakes on a Plane? Juice...? That’s a good one. Deep…
Multiple 100 million dollar grossing films? So what? Samuel L. Jackson has made 100s of multiple 10 million dollar grossing films. Where’s his lifetime achievement award?!?!
“I am a white person who voted for Trump and I don’t have a racist bone in my body.”
I’m still waiting for MS-Tres. Shit’s been held up longer than Half-Life.
Last one - 24 pages on my desktop monitor. 24 PAGES. I can string a lot of words together, but that’s next level.
“Come try our new Improbable Chicken!”
If it helped her process, accept and make sense of her dog’s illness and impending death (and it sounds like it did) it was $82.49 well spent. I think alternative therapies can have emotional and spiritual benefits that aren’t empirically quantifiable. The problem is when they’re used to replace comprehensive medical…
He pulled himself up by his nutstraps!
Guy like this think having a dick & balls is an accomplishment. Like he was born flat like a Ken doll and had to grow them from scratch.
Touche. I’m sure his responses for Ivanka-related scandals will be “she’s not my type.”
He says that literally every time he fires someone or an associate goes to prison. “I didn’t know them; we barely talked.” I swear he just copy and pastes those responses. Such transparent bullshit.