
Former employee. Can confirm.

Have you seen how slim the margins are on the laptops? Gotta make the difference up somewhere!

I’m right now imagining the various iterations of body parts and orifices that constitute both anatomically unlikely and medically inadvisable, and it’s really making my morning.

at least we don’t have a coach that killed a kid.

I’d think that Sec. of Agriculture would be more appropriate, but you have to admit he’s a real workhorse.

C’mon... you only remember Hickenlooper cause it’s so fun to say. I imagine that it’s some weird tool they used to use in the early industrial textile plants.


In Overwatch, it seems a decision

It’s definitely a world problem.

The run starting at :27 in the first video, where he turns the defender completely around is hilarious.

Not worth it IMHO. The designated bettor rule has ruined the whole thing for me.

The one case when Simonize might be worth it.

Dude’s gotta make his word count. Double-spacing and screwing with the margins don’t work on a website :)

Remember though that the whole phrase is “A few bad apples spoil the bunch.” So the moral shouldn’t be “Oh, those are just the bad ones.”, but rather “We really need to root out these bad ones before they infect the entire culture.” Which in many towns and cities seems to already be the case. 

I ain’t fucking with anyone who’s purple. I heard they eat people.

Ain’t nuthin’ wrong with git.

And I’m not particularly fond of those CHICKENS either.