Idk if the standard has changed but you should also retest for HIV after 6 months
Idk if the standard has changed but you should also retest for HIV after 6 months
I just guffawed and then snorted. Bless you.
For what it’s worth, I am sending you a hug because that utterly sucks. Stupid boyfriend.
This is the BEST! It’s like that old saying “If you can’t say anything nice.... well, then come sit next to me”! I think I like you ;)
There actually was a case where a man concluded that his wife was cheating and wanted a divorce because their kid looked like neither of them. Then the wife admitted that she had a lot of work done.
Well that situation sounds like it eats a dumpster of goblin cocks. Glad you’ve got a clean bill of health though!
I laughed.
Sweetie, you really don’t have to apologize to this person for talking about your traumatic experience any way you want. You didn’t say anything wrong. People use the term “clean” all the time and most of us know you are not saying that those with STIs are “unclean.”
I’m so sorry. Your boyfriend sucks.
You’re horrible!
Aside from your “all clear” result (must have been a complete relief) I hope you are ok. Working through it or not, that’s seriously shitty for you and I am sorry.
Glad to hear you had negative test results but having an STI/STD doesn’t make you “unclean.” It’s a very degrading way of referring to people who have them.
Excellent Kinja. My wife and I got a good laugh out of this.
That’s awful.
“What dies offscreen may never die”
Daaaaaamn this is so similar to “That which is dead can never die” which makes me feel like your comment is some serious business.
This first sentence is almost the exact wording for our death pool. We declared him as alive.
Stannis got dead, but we never saw it.
Exactly. We didn’t see it so it didn’t happen. I need those Ginger Giant babes!!!1
Of course he’s alive, he’s got giants to bane.