Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer

Was about to comment about how my alone time is SO IMPORTANT for my own mental health. Even if it's just for a half an hour of my day, I need time to be alone and recollect myself from the stress of the day.

I cried in the Lourve because our tour was too short and the servers at the food court refused to serve me any food. I bawled like a toddler. I was 22.

I once had someone cry during and interview. They had recently lost their mother, who was a teacher. I worked for an education company, and had asked why they wanted to work for us. I was so heartbroken for him. That woman is a monster to let you cry and not show one ounce of empathy.

On the first Friday of sophomore year of college. My boyfriend and a few friends came up to go to bars. We drank and when everyone was feeling good, I broke down in tears because my dad had called me earlier in the day to tell me that my dog was very sick and it was time we had a conversation about putting him down. I

I’ve wanted to be the next ex Mrs. Ian Malcolm since I first saw Jurassic Park at age 5. The lust one has for Goldblum never dies.

I always say that if there was a cataclysmic end-of-times event, I just wanna die in the first wave. I don’t want to know anything other than this nice life and peaceful existence. No struggling to survive for me.

I was a NICU baby all the way back in the 80’s, and a few years ago my mom gave me a bunch of the stuff from when I spent 3 months in the unit. These amazing nurses made my 2 lb baby self clothes, hats, cloth diapers. They wrote me letters, gave me milestone cards. They even took a group picture from the day I got to

This gif just got me pregnant.

Yes, he is. I’m 5’1, so I don’t usually think men are short, but he is a wee one.

Only voting Jeff Timmons because I met him in Cleveland and he hit on me. It was my 8th grade dream come true, but I have a boyfriend, and Jeff’s not really my type.

Wear it as a badge of honor! Courtney Stodden once blocked me and it is my greatest accomplishment.

Well that Dean McDermott (Dermot Mulroney?) story is horifying.

Or maybe a #LetsDoWhatYOULikeand maybe a #NoImJustHereToPleaseYouDontWorryAboutMe

Stop being so bossy with those hashtags, The Game. If your dick is in my face, I think I'll know what to do, thanks.

Omg, I was just going to ask if teens still go to Spencer's and giggle at the posters. Answer received!

Everything about that cover is so quintessentially 2002.

Was I the only one who hoarded YM magazines? I remember cleaning out my closet before I went to college and I must have had 7 years worth stashed (pages marked with all the makeup tutorials obv).

I had this too. I think it was from a Teen People or YM (rip to both publications, I think).

I basically described it by telling the story of New Years Eve 99, where everyone was at least a little convinced computers were going to turn against us, so all of the neighborhood parents got insanely drunk, and let the kids have probably the best middle school party to ever occur. We listened to spice girls, a girl

My 15 year old brother decorates his room with seething rage and b.o. It’s a desolate wasteland of stink in that place.