
I LOVE Cincinnati-style chili except for that fucking cinnamon-laden meat paste. I get it, it’s based on the Greek style of meat seasoning, like in moussaka, but keep that shit separate!

It’s really just vanilla soda. I like it. I like cilantro, too, though.

I got one of those as a shower gift (READ THE DAMNED REGISTRY, FOLKS) and never used it. I gave it to my SIL and she adored it for making baby food.

I have one of these and I use it constantly. I COULD use the blade on my corkscrew but I have enough thumb (and psychic) scars from trying that already.

We decided in early April we may as well get married. Picked July. Had the worst DJ on earth and a sublime caterer and got married by a judge. The bar badly mistranslated my “I want good champagne in flutes with three raspberries in each handed to each guest as they enter” as “I want Asti in coupes with some blue

My husband had a similar problem for years, and was eventually diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis. He has had to have his esophagus “stretched” twice which makes things better...for a few years, anyway. They think the scarring may be due to an allergic reaction to aspirin of all things.

Oh come on, who isn’t?!

I admit I completely misunderstood “medical evacuation” for a second. My sphincter clenched.

I have done zero research into this, but I’d be interested to see where Sensenbrenner stands on Walker. I disagree with most of Sensenbrenner’s stances but damned if he doesn’t stand independently as a Republican. I really respect him even if I’d never vote for him.

My understanding (from an urban legend-level connection, so take that into consideration) is that he is going to declare on July 18. My belief is that this is dictated by the Book of Koch which is so strict as to make Scientology and Mormonism look like Unitarianism.

My parents went to Iceland maybe 20 years ago, and I do believe it was the first and only time they ever set foot in a Pizza Hut.

Cocktail sauce and cream cheese is an EXCELLENT cracker dip, even sans seafood.

My husband absolutely loves the “Beijing Wings” at one of our local Chinese places. I don’t really remember what prompted me to order them the first time since their potstickers are ethereal and what more do you need, but there you have it.

Deleted - someone noticed before I did. Sorry!

This is the year I finally said, “Fuck it, I’m not waiting to live my life anymore” and started planning vacations. Then we decided what we really want is to buy a piece of land a couple of hours from home, camp on it for a few years, then when we can afford it (I will be inheriting a good bit of money when my father

Valerian and a rain app on my tablet.

Been together 14 years, married 11 next month, and we have come to an unspoken compromise. Door open for peeing, door closed or cracked for pooping. I think the “cracked” started with “Yo, help a brother out!” when he realized he was paperless and needed me to refill the cache under the sink. Also, the door opens a

Please tell me there’s going to be a “around the house/blogger” outfit for Barbie. I’m voting for Sam’s Club fleece pants, lined Crocs and an oversized Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Sports Show long-sleeve t-shirt from 2008. Just off the top of my head. She’s 56 fercrissake, let her relax around the Barbie House.

Sent the link to my cousin in Oz. Will report if any funeral announcements show up on Facebook.

And now Peter Dinklage is even hotter. Excuse me, I need to launder my dainties now.