Isaac Newton's Haircut

And moose have *legendary* bad tempers. Anything bigger than song birds give them a VERY wide berth. Getting close to a moose is just as dumb as trying to pet a grizzly bear.

We have moose in the northern part of my state that’ll take on your pickup truck, especially if it’s during mating season. If you’re on foot, good luck.

Thank you! I was going to comment exactly that, Kate Middleton is famously a ‘commoner’. A rich one, but still. Also this is a rare image of them NOT making an appearance where they are talking to the general public so that snark made no sense at all. 

Or maybe lets recognize many of our own emotions are deeper than our “intelligentthoughts and can exist without human-level intelligence or language.

Meta, Metamates, me

there now your star is at 42

I don’t think so.

That’s something a lot of the media misunderstood from the start. On most issues, people didn’t adopt horrible views because they loved Trump; they loved Trump because he was agreeing with their horrible views. When Trump has disagreed with them on particular issues, they’ve just ignored it. All they want from him is

Cults will always turn on Glorious Leader if Glorious Leader wavers in the principles that Glorious Leader taught them.

Man who doesn’t want to pay taxes is concerned about deficit.

I have a feeling that zero states actually asked the constituents what they want, not that they would be able to agree on it. In my opinion, DST should be abolished and Standard time should be observed year round.

So you couldn’t just have a paragraph that lists the states. You had to make a fucking click-show. Shameful.

No. I like my UTC-8 here in California. UTC-7 drives me up the wall.

Fuck daylight saving time with a rusty pipe. I prefer to have the time sync to our natural circadian rhythms. Keep standard time standard!

That’s sort of a chicken-and-egg thing, though.  Nobody will buy it if isn’t made, but nobody will make if they don’t think they can sell it.

I think the point is that he used to oversee Audi design and so a lot of the same institutional design language that he built there is still on going and relevant to newer Audis.

Just weird - if smoking kills why is Big Toacco still in business? Who are their customers?

I live in Queens (NYC) where bike lanes are beecoming more & more prevalent. Wheen I use Google maps to plot my journey, I use bicycle mode and it gives me a route that uses side streets and roads with bike lanes, avoiding busier routes with too many scary cars, trucks, & buses.

I don't think the representative for Glenwood Springs can read.