I suspect it’s the valet who parked it, not the owner.
The reason he doesn’t care (although he’ll appeal for sure) is because he’s not playing the legal game, he’s playing the political game and betting that once he wins the presidency again, he can make all of his problems go away. This is the reason why he’s whining about how this is a witch hunt right in the courtroom,…
It’s like rock bands from the ‘70s and ‘80s. People still go to their concerts because they want to hear all the same hits, over and over again, and they never tire of it.
Many voters ... think they are being bullied into a binary choice between two candidates they do not like, and so they engage in wishcasting: If only someone could beat Trump for the GOP nomination (no one will); if only Biden would step down (he won’t); if only America didn’t rely on the Electoral College (it does);…
Did this guy have a plan for not getting caught?
It’s already reality.
What’s the Venn diagram between Trump supporters and “the moon landing is a hoax” believers?
Good thing Glen Bell didn’t name his restaurant Taco Glen’s.
Until Republicans rein in Tuberville
Given that RFK Jr. was a well-respected environmental lawyer before he came out as a conspiracist, I’d actually like to know what his current views are on climate change. Oh, obligatory:
Brawndo’s got electrolytes. You expect students to drink water, like out of the toilet?
If the value of these coins is predicated on Trump winning in 2024, how is it that people have already tried to cash them out at banks? I mean, I know these buyers are dumb as rocks, but can’t they even read a calendar?
Toots. Tooting. Tooted. Toot-toot. (Please, make it happen.)
Because a picture is worth a thousand words, but SEO says you have to fill out all those words.
C’mon Giz, show us the picture.
And every time a bicyclist is hit, people ask “Was he wearing neon colors? Did he have lights on the bike?” No, numbnuts, bicycle safety has a lot more to do with drivers paying attention than with bicyclists protecting themselves.
Does this also apply to Trump? In other words, did he land in Florida before or after Biden was sworn in?