Isaac Newton's Haircut

It is a weird thing about fascism. A lot of people have the concept of “fascism = bad” drilled pretty firmly in to their psyche. But they’re never taught what fascism actually is. Your average person probably only knows enough about Nazis to say that they were bad because of genocide and invading countries. Beyond

Remember when they tried to call these guys “Job Creators”? 

It’s a stupid thing to say because he’s trying to prove he’s not racist by mentioning a trip through Africa as though racists haven’t been traveling through and fucking with Africans for centuries. 

Sounds like my aunt, who thinks of herself as white despite being a Korean immigrant.

Some asians love being the arbiters of white supremacy and will work against progress if it means they get to have a better place socioeconomically.

Unless part of the verdict was a non-disparagement order from the judge...yeah, he can keep running his mouth. Normally settlements include that - everyone agrees to just go home and not talk about it anymore after the money changes hands - but I seriously doubt this verdict did.

I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, to find a former college football coach taking up for someone who committed sexual assault.

It’s a miracle! We must thanks His Noodliness for bestowing this gift of bounty upon us!

Oh please yes let's get a trans dude with a self-deprecating sense of humor to say the quiet part loud about guns as penis substitutes!

By stopping the request short of it being transmitted through countless switches, back-ends and ISPs, 3rd party brokers and throughout the world, yes. That takes energy.

Pretty sure most ads on web pages and apps are a pull model so if you block the outbound request packet from ever finding a home at your local network boundary (like DNS blocking pi-hole) then yes, you are reducing the compute and networking required to serve the return request. The power required to run a pi-hole is

The difference between a cult and a religion:

I’m certain as the sun rises that nobody told the people that made those images.

Simple: he didn’t exist. It was always a made-up PR persona.

Not possible. The $13B owed is not to other investors, but rather to a bunch of banks. While bankruptcy could indeed reduce that debt, there’s a few, very large, caveats for Musk:
1) The banks aren’t stupid. They required Musk to stake a bunch of his Tesla shares as collateral.
2) Any uncollateralized debt is almost

I was thinking more along these lines:

I'm all for this. If dealerships are as vital as they claim to be they should have no problem competing with online sales. 


I’d like to introduce you to America, circa 2016 A.D. to 2020 A.D.

Does anyone else find it disconcerting that anybody can track the location of an important person’s flight in real time on the internet?