Isaac Newton's Haircut

His daughter led the Jan. 6 committee.

It’s not an outlier. Just look at the debt ceiling circus.

This dumb woman probably heard something about globalists and thought it meant globe manufacturers.

The non-Euclidean geometry cabal is working overtime to destroy everything we love.

Trump has accomplished great things, greater than any president before him or after. But he’s beset on all sides by evil forces hell-bent on destroying him and his legacy.

My brain is too tiny to understand how Trump and his supporters want to embrace Nazism but depict Hitler as a bad guy at the same time.

As the story notes, the display is showing upscaled 8K content, so 16K doesn’t really exist even for demo purposes.

I’ll be the “well, ackshually...” guy. 15,360 x 8,640 on 110 inches works out to be 160 ppi. That’s not “too small for the human eye to perceive, even with your face pushed up right against the screen.” I’ll grant that it may be harder to detect with moving images, however. And at normal TV-viewing distances, of

Big Tech can afford to make more layoffs, claiming it would actually increase productivity.

I think it was also only one parent (each time) who was responsible for getting the principal fired for showing Michelangelo’s David at one school and the Ruby Bridges movie banned at another school.

Not limited to raising children per se, but New York magazine just did a story on how much a desirable lifestyle costs in that city. The sum? Well into the six figures per year, on top of a hefty one-time payment. It was depressing.

The Germans have a great word to describe an ensemble of physical features common to different species: Bauplan. This translates to “body plan” in English,

I was giving him a friendly hug! Not MY fault he choked to death!

East Asians are “honorary whites.” And some of them have convinced themselves it’s true.

Is he wearing a seat belt?

reaming EV owners isn’t the way to encourage people to switch.

It’s where you load the bullets.

“Built like a brick shithouse.”

Knowing them in the Biblical sense.

A Sinema sinecure, in other words.