Isaac Newton's Haircut

You’re quoting the cyclist, not the racist coach.

We had people like that on my nextdoor too. One guy tagged in our police department and wanted to know how they were planning on keeping citizens like himself safe from...a planned walk through the neighborhood by high school kids with signs. I replied that he was welcome to borrow our dog’s compression shirt and my

If you could get a rumor to gain traction that even coming in contact with COVID while unvaccinated results in male impotence, health care professionals wouldn’t have enough time in the day to service the number of people in line demanding shots.

Some animal shelters will take them.

Counterpoint: Don’t put mayo on either piece; it’s nasty!

When’s the appropriate time to make it Instagram official with whoever you’re seeing?

Been in Cville since 1999 and this statue has always been a hot button topic.

An easier way would be to get rid of single family zoning and minimum lot sizes, so that mansions would be competing with denser housing as a profit center for developers. You get McMansions now because that’s what the local land use rules require in many places (deliberately, since it keeps out poor people and raises

A lot of non-stadium basketball courts are not NBA sized basketball courts bruh.

In California, generally speaking, anything that isn’t factory-installed and is on your dash or windshield and larger than five square inches on the lower right or seven square inches on the lower right is potentially a civil offense.

I don’t know what business he’s running out of his car but it won’t be listed in Forbes IQ 500

You want Trump as president? Because this kind of complaining is how you get Trump as president.

They whine and cry about how their first amendment rights are being violated by the “left wing media” .... well here ya go, you inbread goat-humping neonazi fuckwits....THIS is what you get when you let any asshat with a computer do whatever the fuck they want!

Sorry, it’s hideous. It’s exactly what the Penices would buy.

The GI Bill specifically excluded Black Americans from any of its benefits, as did the New Deal legislation that created the FHA and its government-backed loans. Most communities were built specifically to exclude any non-White families from moving in, and those that weren’t segregated by design were segregated in

Here’s a good summary of how the unequal application of the GI bill in addition to redlining ensured that the creation of the suburbs remained an endeavour for the creation of a white middle class.

Oh dear god.  So let me get this right... masks don’t do anything to stop COVID-19, but they will help protect you from vaccinated people “shedding”?

This has already happened. There is a large subset of anti-vaxxers who now wear masks in public because they are afraid of breathing in the proteins that the vaccinated shed when they breathe. 

The phrase has been used a lot lately and specifically about this “debate”, but its chess with a pigeon.  It knocks over the pieces, shits on the board, and struts like it won.  There is no way AOC “wins” this in the eyes of these idiots even though she would straight up mop the floor with MTG.

I can’t believe this quality internet content is being stolen from us.