Isaac Newton's Haircut

Lawyers aren’t cheap. I can’t image that this guy has the cash to afford better representation.

There are two types of Q followers right now: the ones who think they were lied to/scammed, and who are going through the stages of grief while they come to terms with the new world they find themselves living in (otherwise known as “reality”), and the ones who are doubling down. She appears to be doubling down.

I suspect it has more to do with the fact that she’s under federal investigation and has clearly lawyered up. Were she to delete anything now, it would constitute obstruction of justice, and she’s already in enough trouble.

She’s still tweeting!  I was going to say it’s unbelievable, but’s not.  

Well, it should remind you of that, since “onanism” is derived from Onan, a character in the Book of Genesis. Of course it’s appropriate for that bunch of jerkoffs! But most QAnon fuckwits won’t get it - just one more reason to sneer at them. (Sneering is far, far better than they deserve, just to be clear.)

The difference between Biden and Clinton:

“I would have gotten away with it if I had left my Fitbit at home!”

wouldn’t this have been the best time to arrest all the goons, instead of letting them go home and then looking for them later?

This I don’t understand.  They had large numbers of officers there when they still had people in the building and they didn’t arrest even the stragglers who were in the building.  I thought they would have large numbers of people handcuffed on the ground in the capital.  It’s what they did with BLM protesters.

They don’t. They hired a solo who appears to be an IP guy (handling patents and related issues) to file this. They’re not really expecting to win; it’s a desperate Hail Mary to try and get the court to issue a temporary restraining order (TRO) to buy them some time. Good luck with that, guys!

Same with some major health insurers. That’s a blow. 

Seriously. I just wonder whether that statement by Amazon was just some accidental shade, or a veiled threat.

While most of those idiots were there for social media shenanigans, there was a very real contingent that had big plans. And I’m not just talking about the people that set up gallows and were yelling for Mike Pence, and I’m not just talking about the guy who was photographed with hostage-taking zip-ties.

And Senator Expensive Blow-out from Georgia. Remember: apart from Louis Gohmert, none of these people really believe they can over turn the election. The point is delegitimize the Biden government and undermine faith in democracy.

This is what happens when you lie constantly and surround yourself with cronies and yes men that repeat your lies back to you. The bubble was so extreme that even Fox news knew when Orange Jabba was watching and would tailor its broadcasts to humor him. As a result, he literally believes the lies and misinformation he

I’m really glad you posted this. I hate-read conservative publications and it helps to know what the thinks and feels are behind the people with whom I fundamentally disagree. The author’s use of “woke left” is very telling. He’s just as bad as the rest of them.

What about “loosing” his foot? I suppose in a sense it works, but “losing” would have been more appropriate.

Now, after loosing his foot during a serious case of covid-19

thank you; i’ve seen this so much lately and would have said it if you hadn’t (enough is enough!). this mistake is becoming way too common :( and it’s like chewing foil or nails on a blackboard to see it.